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Jazmin: high as a kite

by Amazing bbg February 11, 2018

13👍 4👎


She’s soooooi fucking pretty she’s also hot but thinks herself as ugly her best friends always fall out with her but she has that one true friend left that will always stick by her side , she has anger problems and sticks up for you but only if your with her . She only believes in you if you believe in your self . If you find a Jazmin ,stick by her side and hold her tight she has a dark side to her that comes to play when you mess with her friends.

Guy 1: hey dude who is that ?
Guy 2: idk I looks Like a Jazmin tho

by Sue besten November 1, 2018

6👍 1👎


Very beautiful girl. Very funny and goofy. She likes to be called by nicknames she likes. She also falls for you fast because of your personality and how you treat her. Kind of retarted with her actions but cares about her grades at the same time. Don’t cross her , she can be feisty! Very best friend material. Loving person. Likes to have fun. Has a bad attitude but not spoiled and most of the time happy especially when around friends and family.

She’s a keeper! Don’t loose yours because once you loose her, you might not get her back.

Jazmin is so beautiful! I really like her.
Yeah. She is a keeper!

by prinxcess.jaz March 7, 2019

6👍 1👎


dumbest bitch on earth but yk she great too

Guy 1: Wow Jazmin is so smart
Me: bitch what

by willylondiq June 11, 2019

12👍 5👎


Jazmin is a very intelligent beautiful sexy girl. When she falls in love she is only stuck on that one person. Many guys will try to get with Jazmin but it won’t work out. She is one of the funniest people you’ll ever meet. She is super kind will always be there for you. She has the best eyes and the most amazing body. She will make you laugh when you are down. She brightens up the room whenever she enters. She has a smile like no other. She will laugh a lot. She will always try and take your pain away no matter what she’s dealing with. If you get into a relationship with Jazmin you’re more than lucky to have her and don’t lose her because she chose you for a reason and once you lose her there’s no going back she can find someone new

Me:have you seen that new girl Jazmin
Then:yeah she perfect bro

by Main2222222 February 18, 2020


she is a skinny girl with a sister that has a unique name and a brother with the same name as his dad. She probably has a Tik Tok (musical.ly) and will soon become famous. she can be very messy, have a bad temper, will fight you if you mess with her best friends, and might have trust issues. She shares a room with an annoying brother

Person 1: Is that girl fighting

Person 2: yeah, that's probably a Jazmin

by Sammyrosas October 11, 2018

8👍 3👎


Has an amazing life secretly likes a nice amazingly cute boy named lane and we need to make sure they get together

Lane and Jazmin should date they are very cute

by angryfriend62 February 26, 2020

4👍 2👎