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A cocktail of drugs rolled up in a joint that includes, pot, heroin, bits of e, methodone, and angel dust.

Its called a Jeffrey to make it sound harmless. This term comes from the movie Get Him to the Greek.

person #1: Pass Steve the Jeffrey, he needs to relax.

Steve: Oh my God what's in a Jeffrey, I'm going to have a heart attack!

by chipworthington June 10, 2010

619πŸ‘ 644πŸ‘Ž


A joint containing a mixture of marijauna and drugs. These can include-but are not limited to-angeldust, coicaine, heroin, methadone, methamphetamines, etc. So named because "nobody's scared of a Jeffrey" (to paraphrase Aldous Snow, lead singer of Infant Sorrow in "Get Him To The Greek")

Wanna hit off this "Jeffrey?"

Naw man, I stick with the sticky-icky.

by LegalizeMedicine420 June 5, 2010

763πŸ‘ 856πŸ‘Ž


Jeffrey is a fat and lazy faggot who only likes to sit on his ass all day, play Nintendo games, and laugh at memes on Instagram. Jeffrey doesn’t listen to what he’s told to do but gets mad when he doesn’t get what he wants. Jeffrey is very stubborn and weird.

Roachella: Jeffrey is so lazy, he hasn’t gotten up all day.
Chip: I know right

by chokeonacrustycock December 30, 2020

22πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Jeffrey is the type of guy who lights up a room with just his smile. He’s silly and loves playing war thunder πŸ™„. He loves his girlfriend with all his heart and he’d do anything for her. He’s perfect. And any girl would be lucky to have Jeffrey as a boyfriend but too bad he’s mine πŸ˜ŠπŸ’™

Jeffrey? More like Rey baby

by Rylinnndabae November 6, 2018

14πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


A joint consisting of mostly marijuana, with opium, heroin, peyote methadone, crush up ecstasy, some unidentified drugs, and hint of angle dust

DUDE! you gotta take a hit off this jeffrey , it will calm you down.

by Nklotzzz June 9, 2010

237πŸ‘ 367πŸ‘Ž


A boy that leads you in takes away what you have breaks your heart and dosen't care about anything

Jeffrey broke my heart

by Loveβ€πŸ’™πŸ’ŸπŸ’—πŸ’œπŸ’ April 26, 2016

20πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Gollum looking motherfucker
Gay bitch

Jeffrey Sounds like Mickey Mouse

by Puertoricansexgod21 September 14, 2017

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž