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Jenn McAllister

A super skinny thicc legend that stomps around flexin. They like to act, and film themselves sitting in their hallway. They are usually seen with Alyx Weiss, a classic thorter.

Look at that girl! She is such a Jenn Mcallister, wow she must weigh 100 lbs, only butt fat.

by jennxpenn_mcallister June 1, 2018

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jenn melon

A sad TikToker with over a million followers in less than a year. What the fuck. You can’t tell Jenn Melon’s sexuality, drug use or personal history. She pisses everyone off the same way your ex pisses you off but you keep going back because ultimately you love her but she’s not good for you.

Jenn Melon makes me sexually frustrated.

by RonCon November 24, 2021

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might be annoying

does make up at 12 am

likes nick


jen hows nick doing
jen you are soo reeeeeeeee
jenn im so weak

by dandigi April 9, 2018

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Jenn Mcallister

a successful youtuber who has over 3.6 million subscribers. Known for her comedic vlog style videos especially episode and postmates buys her stuff videos. One of the sweetest and hard working people out there. Commonly seen with her dog, Finn Mcallister.

β€œDid you see the new Jenn Mcallister video? It was so funny!”

by wiecking August 12, 2019

Jenn Sterger

A woman so incredibly hot that men are compelled to send her pictures of their penis, half flaccid or not. Made famous when the legendary #4 inches, Brett Favre, did just that (allegedly).

Brett: "Do you think I should get hard before I send these pictures of my penis?"

Security Guard: "How can you not be hard after seeing Jenn Sterger?"

by NumberFourInches October 19, 2010

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Jenn Porter

Jenn Porter

A homosapien of the sub-genre "Ginger". See "Ginger" for more info. Though displaying the physical appearance of a "Ginger" they are far less creepy and quite possibly have a soul. Most Jenn Porters are female and surprisingly attractive.

Dude 1: Dang, did you see that Ginger walk by. I didn't even get the shivers or feel cold inside.

Dude 2: Dude, that wasn't a Ginger, that was a Jenn Porter. And she was cute!

by HealthJunkie1991 August 11, 2009

Juniper Jenn

Bad Ass Flogger maker and Kinky Comrade. Owner of JuniperJenn.com

I just Bought a Flogger From Juniper Jenn and it is amazing.
Oh Damn That's Cool Bro

by DreamWeaver312 November 5, 2021