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jeopardy smart

When someone is highly intelligent, a person who knows about everything, knows all the correct answers to to all the hardest questions.

Wow! That's another correct answer, Matt you're jeopardy smart!
You have the correct answers to every question the teacher asks.... you're jeopardy smart Mikey

by Iceman#6 October 25, 2022

Double Jeopardy

Not dating the same person twice, acknowledging the fact that you broke up for a reason.

"Hey man, I heard Kim wants to get back together with you, you going for it?"

"No way man, double jeopardy rule; the bitch is crazy"

by Barbary Lion August 27, 2012

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Double' Jeopardy

Doing actions that you don't allow others to do.

Being ok for you to ignore your spouse but not ok for them to ignore you.
Double' Jeopardy- the allowance of you to do wrong but not others.

by Steven Bunton April 5, 2022

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*Jeopardy Music Ensues*

When you're waiting for something to happen *Jeopardy Music Ensues*

Hym "Oh jeez oh man... It can't possibly be that I was right... There must be some excuse... I wonder what the excuse could be? 'You weren't sincere!' Oh? That would be convenient for you, wouldn't it? The arbiter of meaning everyone ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ And it would trap me in a situation where even if I was, you still aren't required to adhere to your own ethic. Because it's isn't about 'ethical behavior' it's about mediating outcomes. It's about you controlling your own behavior in spite of or regardless of your ethic and the behavior of your 'lessers' being controlled..............."

Hym ".......... Hello?"

*Jeopardy Music Ensues*

Hym "Hello?.......... I guess I'll just sit here and not do anything for ever...... Or I'll just do what other people want me to do...."

by Hym Iam August 11, 2022

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asking a question in the form of a statement. Often, females excel at this.

"I love this movie" she said, displaying a typical female utilization of anti-jeopardy.

by zBrinks January 23, 2012

The Jeopardy Complex

Definition: Residents which reside in a nursing home live in a false reality where they are a contestant on Jeopardy!. They proceed to ring their call bell all day because they think they know the answer. In fact, they don't need anything at all and deny ever ringing the bell to start with.

CNA: "This is the eighth time Jim rang his bell in an hour and did not need anything."
LPN: " He must have The Jeopardy Complex."
CNA: " Now he's trying to get out of bed, must have won the game."

by CNA Monster September 27, 2015

Jeopardy smile

When a contestant, especially a girl, on Jeopardy smiles.

20th Century Fox presents
Jeopardy Kids Week - July 4, 2011

Alex Trebek: Charlotte is from Washington, D.C., right?
Charlotte: (smiling)
Alex Trebek: You smilin' Charlotte? That's a Jeopardy smile right there!
Charlotte: Yeah.
I saw the 1994 20th Century Fox logo at the beginning.

by 20thCenturyFox1953 July 9, 2011