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jimi hendrix

Hendrix never learned to read or write music, played left-handed on a right-hand necked guitar, and is indeed known for the breakthrough concert at Monterey, 1967, where he is seen trying to urge the flames higher from his flaming guitar, helped with a little Ronsonol lighter fluid. They say Jimi never put his guitar down, and even took it into the bathroom with him. Legend has it that he played a London night club where sat The Who's Pete Townshend, front row. Jimi leaned into the table from the stage and wailed lightning from his throbbing Stratocaster while Pete visibly paled; Jimi laughed and played on. The British Invasion was over, and once again, they lost.

Unfortunately, one of the things about being Hendrix was that everyone - tout le monde - wanted to "get stoned with Jimi" or at the very least get Jimi stoned. Many was the time that a tab of this or a splash of that entered his body unannounced. And if you don't know what kissing the sky is, you have not been experienced.

jimi is jimi. there are no examples.

by Jack DeLand January 30, 2005

147๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jimi Hendrix

The most famous Psychedelic rock star in the world.

He was known mostly for his wild "trippy" style of playing.
He used techniques of recording such as: playing pre-recorded guitar riffs backwards, using the ever famous Cry-Baby, Octavia, and other various forms of overdrive, simple sounds effects made by the mouth, recorded then slowed down or looped in various ways, and countless others

He was a player of emotion, in which his mood affected the way he played. Songs were mostly about events that happened in his life. He was influenced and was an influence to several musicians of different genres.

Most believe that Hendrix died of an O.D. of barbiturates, true, but it was this and the combination of wine that caused him to vomit, thus suffocating in his own digestive juices. Some say that he was not turned over in his transport to the hospital, thus the above happened.
He died upon arrival.

His effects mastery is present in: Drifting, Room full of Mirrors, I Don't Live Today, Are You Experienced?, Purple Haze, Have You Ever Been ( to Electric Ladyland), and many more...
Jimi Hendrix was plagued with depression, no one had his same goals in the music industry.
Before you disrespect a true legend, consider the fact that backstabbing is what caused more of his stress than anything.
Stress kills, this is a prime example.
Besides, learn how to spell people!

by Jay Stew the Psychedelic Negro June 19, 2007

43๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

jimi hendrix

the god of all music. if you never heard anything by him, go do it. as a guitarist, just looking at his music makes me die.

if you don't like jimi hendrix, you're either deaf or have a fear that he'll dethrone that shit on mtv and the radio

by hendrixwasgodpersonified March 20, 2004

462๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž

jimi hendrix

a good person who had a troubled life with other people; a cursed life by most standards. He would not have liked anyone to anger any Gods out there, or anyone to put him in the list of damned rock stars, but his influence made great changes in his times, when black people would never have led white people around America during civil right riots, thereby he led by example of how black leadership could exist in the world, even with white people. He played the way he felt was most innovative, and created a sound where he thought the imperfections of the world matched with his playing abilities, and using the imperfections he made greater riffs. His music was inspirational to all leading guitarists at the time, and that must mean something( he did expand the realms of guitar playing not just by the way he played it, but by what he played with). He, like, everyone else from a poor background, did try to make money to survive, and trying to be popular is a way to survive so he did gimmicky things to make it work, even playing in his unorthodox way. He was great and different, and being different sparks controversy. It seems that there is always someone to argue the case of him being the greatest guitarist, but it is the greatest and not neccesarily the best. But why do these hard line haters of Jimi keep comin onto Jimi's website. You don't see this in other sites of the greatest people, like Elvis, Einstein or the Beatles. If you want to hate somebody, hate somebody worthy of that hate. People should not judge someone because they think they don't belong, as Jimi only seems to belong once he died, as he knew. Maybe the debate shouldn't be about Jimi but about the debaters. They seem determined to make his image a battle ground; seeing him as a target for abuse. He was only being himself and did what he could do with what he had. The summer of love may have been influenced by him too, and we should remember what he stood for, peace too, and why do some people miss that point. It is the image and the player and his principles, that made him great, even though you may not see it like that. He was always for peace and harmony.

Jimi Hendrix's greatness is shown by the age that followed him, the peaceful Monteray and Woodstock festivals and the fans from all races. He was,great, hopeful,good, positive,determined, and spiritual. We must remember the situations and difficulties he was under. His life story is astonishing and influential.

by RLee May 4, 2006

92๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

jimi hendrix

Jimi is/was the greatest guitarist of all time. He was so good that God took him from us at age 27. Jimi Hendrix knew how he wanted his music to sound, and INVENTED things to get that sound -- wah-wah, fuzz, feedback. Go get the Purple Box Set (expensive, but worth every single cent) and hear 4 full CD's of live and studio music that will make you understand what is Jimi!!

Fly on, Little Wing -- Jimi Hendrix rocks!

by GetExperienced September 2, 2005

59๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jimy Jamy

When food or anything else is very good and delicious

Boy 1- "That food was ass!"
Boy 2- "Shut your ass up that shit was jimy jamy"

by Assman42 November 14, 2019

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

JimI HenDriX

Jimi Hendrix remains ahead of his time way past his all to unfortunate death.he paralyzes,inspires and defines evocative music. My mom played his music endlessly hence I his Voodoo Child.

If you have Jimi HenDrix and Janis Joplin you have a complete music collection.

by DaynaS March 27, 2008

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