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Ashy kneecaps

When a female is giving a male head and scoots on her knees to keep up with the male while he backs around the furniture, making her knees ashy.

Claire: Me and my man did the ashy kneecaps last night.

Candy: girl ain't no lotion gonna fix that over night.

by DALGS13 June 10, 2013

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Kneecap..stealer is so cool! She even watches anime. You should really follow her on TikTok. She might steal your kneecaps.

Kneecap..stealer holds so much power!

by Kneecap..stealer March 25, 2021

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kneecap slut

Chicks that loves giving blowjobs to where their knees are worn out

That girl is always on her knees ..that kneecap slut

by nahtannathen December 19, 2014

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brokeback kneecap

When somebody who is insecure with their masculinity gets hit in the kneecap.

Jim was bored while waiting in a long line for food, so he decided to give Albert a brokeback kneecap.

by Jon, Chris, and Adam February 23, 2006

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Nico nico kneecaps

A very big threat, if someone threatens your nico nico kneecaps you best be runnin. Holds power over the reverse card. Unless you have Danny Devito on you, you're screwed.

This man breaks nico nico kneecaps, aight ima head out.

by Loaf that's not buttered yet November 25, 2019

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Eat your kneecaps

When one falls from a great height (presumingly in a video game) and "eats shit" with a knee to face connection.

Also commonly:
Ate my kneecaps
Ate your kneecaps
Eat my kneecaps

I was playing COD4 with you yesterday and watched you eat your kneecaps

by Chief Netic January 13, 2014

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hit them kneecaps

Perform oral sex to someone

I took her to the club last night, and when we got back to the crib , she hit them kneecaps .

by Lonesomelife October 9, 2017