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A gorgeous and invincible female who could probably take on world domination while looking oh-so fabulous and texting her best friends at the same time.

Zombies are taking over? Pssht, let a Lee take care of it.

by RandomGirl19 November 11, 2009

897👍 587👎


Someone who is weird asf and isn’t afraid to show it. They listen to rock music and will express their love of heavy metal at any local talent show. They’re lowkey a horn dog, but can’t manage to get any. They’re kind of ugly but still have a good personality. They can get really pissed off about certain things and have the ability to do something about it, even if it is a plan they put together with their friends over FaceTime at 3 a.m. They have a large collection of something or other displayed in their bedroom, and they’re patriotic asf. They’ll always be there to listen to your problems, and won’t hesitate to pick the right side in a situation. Overall, they’re a good person to keep around, and can be a good person to vent to whenever you need to let off steam.

Lee: *walks through public school wearing a trench coat*
New Kid: Is he gonna shoot up the school or something?
Person: Nah, it’s just Lee, he’s always doing some weird shit

by ginger.child_ January 19, 2020

8👍 2👎


Hot, hot, hot

The loveliest guy you will ever meet.

Very cuddly, any girl would be lucky to have him....


by Blimmin February 24, 2010

829👍 591👎


Someone who gets pleasure (sexual or other) out of being tickled.

Lee looking for a ler to have some tickling fun.

by Hamsalad123 May 6, 2018

13👍 4👎


Great sex , usually a great kisser , great at seducing

Me and lee made love last night and it was great

by Cornelium December 20, 2017

9👍 3👎


The most good looking guy that has ever walked on the planet. A lee is someone who is thoughtful and cares a lot about others. When you meet a Lee, there very shy and you gotta talk to them first. When you do, it's worth it. They usually have beautiful green eyes and Dark hair, they are unique and different than all the other guys. Lee's usually have girls falling for them every second. A lee is always in you're friends conversations about how cute he is. They have freckles and they are very southern. Lee's are very athletic and popular. Girls are lucky to have a guy named Lee. Lees are very thoughtful and religious, they care a lot for others. Say hi to a lee, you never know.

Omg that's Lee!
He's like the hottest boy in school

Dang, I wish I was a Lee
I'm jealous.

by Ladybug23 November 24, 2013

21👍 11👎


Supa thicc

“Lee is Supa thicc

by yourbasicwhitechick October 16, 2020

6👍 2👎