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A person whose sole purpose in life is to succeed at their minimum wage job. They often will be "two-faced" in that they will be nice to your face and then backstab you to others in order to advance their friendly relationship with their boss. Lifers will often get upset over trivial things that are work related and rarely have good things to say about employees who do not plan on becoming lifers. Lifers will commonly be attracted romantically to lifers of the opposite sex at the workplace. They will spend an unbelievable amount of time outside of work with this person under the guise that they are just friends. When faced with the opportunity to do something that will make their life better (i.e. pursue higher education)or pick up extra hours at their work, lifers will consistently do the latter. Lifers also have a unrealistic belief that their job is better than it really is. Because of this lifers will typically talk about their job even when no one is interested. Their is no proven scientific research regarding why lifers feel thier job is so important, but scientist believe it is because lifers are typically substance abusers that lack a sense of reason.

"Scott used to be really cool. He then got that minimum wage job and now he spends all of his time with that lifer girlfriend of his discussing how to get the latest promotion to the cooler."

by asmoothforthelittleguy March 4, 2008

92๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person in a corporate setting (e.g. aerospace engineering) whose sole ambition is to retire, and to garantee their survival until retirement.

The lifer has minimal skills or exposure in their particular discipline, due in part to a 15+ year stay at their current (and often only) job. Additionally, those 15+ years are actually 1 year of experience repeated 15+ times. The lifer believes that getting ahead is about โ€œstaying powerโ€ and โ€œpaying their duesโ€, rather than tangible achievements based on applied experience in their field. When skilled individuals arrive, the lifer has no skills to fall back on to remain competitive, and instead relies on generation of politics to diminish the impact of the skilled individual.

Skilled newcomer: โ€œI just found out the guy in the next cube is eavesdropping on me! Plus he didnโ€™t even get the story right. He must have overheard me telling Tom about my new project in my cube yesterday, but he totally got it wrong when he told Dick and Harry about it.โ€

Skilled not-so-newcomer โ€œYeah, you gotta watch what you sayโ€ฆ here there be lifers, matey!!!โ€

by homeslice102 August 11, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lifers are characteristically unhappy unless they are presenting a knife-hand to your face. They use this action in conjunction with a verbal reprimand for extremely minor infractions of marine corps regulations. They believe this is the proper way to enforce such regulations and take sadistic pleasure every chance they get to exercise this practice, commonly referred to as "lifing". Lifers are typically sergeants or above but can also be found in lower ranks. Lifers, ironically but understandably, have no life.

"Hey devil dog, take your hands out of your fucking pockets."
"What a fucking LIFER."

by cpoc February 10, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

A Lifer

People who don't have a myspace, facebook, or any other kind of social networking and actually get on with there life.

Wow that guy is such a lifer.

by Johnny_boy316 March 13, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

no lifer

Someone who has over 1000 posts on a message board.

You've been on dogbomb so long, I'm sure you're a no lifer.

by Jay See July 21, 2003

126๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž


A classification for the most perfect woman you've ever seen. The term comes from the belief that if you land such a woman and she decides to end your relationship for any reason, you must subsequently end your own life. The reason being that you would never be so lucky to land another such woman so anyone else would be a downgrade.

It should be noted that this is an exaggerated term and you should never kill yourself if a girl breaks up with you. Idiot.

Matt: Did you see that girl at the Racetrac?

Carlos: The one with the glasses?

Matt: That's her.

Carlos: Oh, yeah. Total lifer.

Matt: God help us.

by Carlos V March 14, 2013

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

no lifer

when you try to get yourself involved in other peopleโ€™s drama that you have no business in because you lack a personal life

elio and adriano (no lifers) talking shit about loren

by chiceknlil' February 21, 2023