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Noodle Limbs

Someone in the armed forces who is either on the sick, medically downgraded or cannot participate in planned physical training. Can also be used to describe someone who although physically 100% fit is incapable of completing simple manual tasks, e.g. running, marching etc

The limbs have taken on the constancy of a noodle, floppy and with no bone structure.

Someone who is afflicted with Noodle Limbs then becomes a Noodler e.g. someone who spends their day Noodling around not achieving anything constructive.

Alex: Why is Nick the Prawn not on PT today mate?
Ash: He injured himself on the run the other day, and has got proper Noodle Limbs now!

by Acky190 April 14, 2011

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Lifeless Limb

A limp, flaccid penis.

Despite a half hour of oral, he was nothing but a lifeless limb. Whiskey Dick is real.

I beat dem gutz till I had nutted myself to a lifeless limb.

Rory tugged and tugged but his lifeless limb never would solute.

by Dick Onchin December 13, 2021

On Four Limbs

When something is so true, and to stress that it is true, you bet all four of your limbs on it.

Bro im straight, and that's On Four Limbs

by CyanidePenguin August 5, 2020

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throw limbs

Banging in a car.

β€œI don’t want to be a dick but you wanna throw limbs while my girls gone?”

by Boyz cheating December 26, 2017

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go out on a limb

in or into a position where one is not joined or supported by anyone else.
a way of saying where one make him/herself isolated and takes a risk

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that something's bothering you.

I wouldn't go out on a limb like this if I didn't have the data to justify it !

by manushver February 28, 2018

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going out on a limb

For an individual take a chance

I am really going out on a limb supporting you with this, many people don't think it will work.

by Phatairs July 23, 2015

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Going out on a limb

in or into a dangerous or uncompromising position, where one is not joined or supported by anyone else; vulnerable.

Josh is a different type of person, he always does things and doesnt mind going out on a limb

by Being Obscene March 26, 2015

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