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Cynthia Luce

A kind hearted beautiful loving girl who loves and gives with all her heart, She is beautiful and well liked by both men and women. Her physical beauty is captivating. She is the muse, the inspiration for the sun to rise every day she the godess of the moon. She attracts men like crazy with her stunning looks and her amazing personality she is "the perfect catch".
Those who know Cynthia Luce have just adored her. She has the corniest sense of humore but thats what make her so interesting.

Girl "wow did you see that girl she reminds me of Cynthia Luce, oh how I wish I looked like her"

by diehardfanofcynthia July 10, 2011

Evan Luce

A Handsome Young Man On The Road To Success . All The Women seem to Want to be with him and All The Guys seem to want to be him ! he is a real hero in the eyes of some ! and is said to be some kind of Sex God in the sack ! A Good Number of Woman , sheep , holes , and Even a Mexican could pay tribute to this statement . He is Blessed with a voice I predict will go on to silence stadiums of people! Evan Luce Invented footwear right after he discovered Time Travel in the year 2036 . He has always liked the woods and Long long walks on the beach ! If you ever see or come close Evan Luce ! arouse him as quick as you can , you might not ever get this opportunity again ! if hes alone , tackle him down and rape him if you need to ! he wont struggle long before giving in flipping you over and taking control of the situation ! dont ever forget to tell your friends after . in some religions it is believed that Sexual intercourse with Evan Luce will make all your sins Be Forgiven ! ,.

Who is that sexy singer up on stage ???
"thats Evan Luce!" `
immediately after this comment Evan would line the girls up on stage, bend them over and cleanse them of their sins one by one because he truly lives to do gods will .. . . .

by Eagle-Spread-Angel ;) October 6, 2011

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Ron Luce

Ron Luce is a long-winded youth evangelist for an organization named Aquire the Fire. Usage of the term is a sarcastic way of describing a long-winded person.

That person would not shut up. He was pulling some Ron Luce on me.

by SithlordDarthRPG August 28, 2003

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Elijah Luce-Baraceros

An idiot who still thinks Malachi DeVries likes Mitt Romney

Person 1: Dude, he still thinks I like Romney.
Person 2: He's such an Elijah Luce-Baraceros

by malachiromneylover January 10, 2013

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Luce cmon

Username Luke Cullen

I hate luce cmon

by Luce cmon November 20, 2022

Raphael Luce

A smart and attractive kid. If you see him you will instantly fall for his eyes and hair, and the smile he has that will light up the whole world.

β€œHey did you see Raphael Luce?”

β€œYeah, he is so hot@

by a_gud_username July 30, 2022


cowardly not pushing in rb6 siege.

Vemelon was lucing in that situation.

by Zefilaras November 28, 2017