Source Code

Dirty Lupe

When a girl does a snot rocket in your mouth and makes you swallow it and take a dump and with the dump you make a satanic ritual to make both girl and guy cum in each other’s eyes.

Girl 1: “Dude yesterday me and my boyfriend fucked so hard I decided to do a Dirty Lupe.”

Girl 2: “Wow that’s a big step in a relationship.”

Girl 1 :”I think I have chlamydia now.”

by neonmeaterbeater April 18, 2020

Pulling a Lupe

When a person beats the shit out of someone with a baseball bat and shows no mercy towards them.

Guy: Man, did you see that girl pulling a Lupe and just beat that punks ass with a baseball bat.

by SweetlyAddictive March 28, 2011

little lupe

the stage name of Zuleidy, an internet porn star who looks awfully like a preteen. She satisfies the desperate needs of a pedophile

guy:Have you seen little lupe's new video?
me: NO!! You sick pedophile!

by alexthepervgeneral November 8, 2008

109👍 32👎

Lupe Garu

An animal close to humans who is werewolf by some terms born with its gift of becoming wolf at around childhood when it pleases so living in packs of familys and hiding from man some wolves lack the changing ability but have the pentigram mark on their palms and are killed like any other creature not just by silver but with much more difficulty.

I wanted to find my own kind the Lupe Garu.

by WillowNightWolf May 5, 2006

26👍 16👎

Sloppy Lupe

The Sloppy Lupe is when you creampie a female who is double stacked doggy style on the back of another female and the ejaculate drips down on to the other girl's ass and pussy.

Dude, I just did the Sloppy Lupe with 2 girls from Toronto after a Nickelback concert.

by fighttheherd September 14, 2018

Lupe and Timothy

A couple that's perfect together.
Usually the Tim screws it up, though.

That couple is SUCH a Lupe and Timothy

by AnonPeterBishop May 27, 2010

7👍 4👎

lupe and cesar

the best fucking thing in the fucking world you have no fucking idea acid the universe is like their thing like they are the universe they are also god like dennis lol jk separation leads to chaos but when together anything can happen like they basically are one with eachother and they love eachother so fucking much they cry together all the time and they have a cat together that is their son, have given birth to 3 cats, milksteak, theyre really cool lol like they look really cute together when they walk and their lives are Mgmt oracular spectacular and the strokes is this it, they are also crystal castles as fuck, u srsly can not fuck with this couple cus they are the most sacredest and holiest of all in the universe, they hang out in dreams and make their dreams come true brooo lol ,twinflames udek lol and a lot of trippy shit happens to them and they fuck all the time lol also they do acid lol

"bro csr and lupe are cool"
"bro lupe and cesar are on a DIFFerent tip!!!"
"cesar and lupe lol"
"dude cesar and lupe are tripping balls rn lol"
"brooo cesar and lupe are so FUCKING perfect broooo"

by ethan kath February 9, 2014

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