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MAPS, or "Minor Attracted People" are pedophiles, or adults sexually attracted to minors that are trying to normalise pedophilia as part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Me: "Look Alfred, those dumbass pedophiles are trying to normalise pedophilia again!"
Alfred: "Those stupid MAPS!"

by croc pupper iz August 21, 2020

65๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


MAP stands for Molesting Ass Pedo. Leftists say it stands for Minor Attracted Person. It's meant to defend pedophiles. Basically, they want to make babyfucking sound innocent. Some other things it really stands for is:
Mentally Aroused Pity
Morbidly Annoying Pill
Masquerading Asshole Pedophile

Pedophile, Mentally sick incel, child molester, everyone who dislikes this post, etc.

MAP is not a sexuality. If you say it is, you're a fucking pedophile. Same goes for people who dislike this post.

by TF2 Stand Against Babyfuckers December 31, 2021

77๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž


MAP stands for Minor Attracted Person. It is a less shame full word used by pedophiles who are coming out in hopes of getting help as they realize their psychological disorder is harmful and exploitative of children. As it exploits a child's need for love, attention and self-worth by deluding them to believe they are loved and valued if they do sexual acts. It is also taking advantage of a child's inability to make objective decisions as children make decisions based on emoticons.

I am a MAP, I know it is possabe for MAP'S to change ther atractions

by Shalp Bap January 11, 2021

21๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A MAP (Minor Attracted Person) is an individual with a romantic or sexual attraction to anyone between the ages of 0-17. Being a MAP is not a choice, comparable to homosexuality. not comparable to homosexuality however, is the fact that usually MAPs have pedophilic disorder or OSPD (Other Specified Paraphilic Disorder), not all MAPs have these disorders though. There are several contact stances, which in this case are stances one has on contact between minors and adults. Pro-C, or Pro-Contact, means you support romantic and sexual contact between minors and adults, Non-Contact means you do not engage in romantic or sexual minor-adult contact (this does not affect your opinion on minor-adult contact), Anti-Contact means you either support romantic contact between minors and adults but not sexual ones, or you do not support any sexual or romantic contact between minors and adults whatsoever, Neutral-Contact means you are neutral on the matter, and Complex-Contact means your opinion on minor-adult contact is complex and cannot be defined by any of the previous stances listed. Disclaimer that being a MAP is not inherently harmful (nor is it illegal, in the states at least), its the choices you make that harm people.

person A: โ€œPeople should start using the term โ€˜MAPโ€™ instead of pedophile.โ€

person B: โ€œWhy? Isnโ€™t it the same thing?โ€

person A: โ€œActually no, the term โ€˜pedophileโ€™ refers to the attraction to prepubescent children, while โ€˜MAPโ€™ is inclusive to anyones attraction to any age of minor.โ€

person B: โ€œWell I donโ€™t care, Iโ€™m still gonna call them pedophiles!โ€

person A: โ€œWell okay then.โ€

by Radqueer Raven July 26, 2023

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


MAP (Minor Attracted Person) is a bullshit term describing a pedophile.

Person 1: I identify as a MAP
Person 2: MAP is a bullshit term

by EasilyMispeled June 13, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


literally just a pedophile, dont give them the sugar coated version by calling them a map

Logan: "I think I'm a map.."
Ryan: "No, you're a disgusting pedophile, I hope I never have contact with you for the rest of my life"

by Urban Environment January 17, 2021

48๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. "Minor Attracted Person" aka a pedophile if someone says they are a MAP it's best to stay away from them.

2. Multi Animator Project, a project that many animators worked together to make.

3. a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physics features, cities, roads, etc.

1. Person A: MAP pride! I identify as a MAP!
Person A is now in jail
2. Person A: Hey I like your animation! Wanna help with my MAP?
Person B: Sure! I'd love too!
3. Person: Okay so McDonald's is over there on the map.

by Potatotoaster July 17, 2020

24๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž