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Fuck man do

A man who does something (like eating chips or watching tv) while having sex.

My husband is a fuck man do as he is playing flappy bird when I am sucking his penis.

by pisslicka June 13, 2014

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Yo Man Don't Fuck Up

The expression "Yo-Dudes" uses to scare 13-years-old "Yo-Dudes".

"Hey you man, don't fuck up!"

by Delf June 23, 2003

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Yo Man Don't Fuck Up

Your tellin ya boy not to mess like with the ladies or on a job interview

"Yo Man Don't Fuck Up that girl is fine"

by : P ya right May 3, 2006

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Man of the Fucking Hour

The person that is in the absolute center of attention and it needs to be known to all by emphasizing how important he is.

John: "Hey man, just finished my date"
Zach: "Well, would ya look at that, the man of the FUCKING hour."

by speakyspeaky December 17, 2015

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i dont give a dead mans last fuck

When you've reached the point of no return in terms of giving a dead mans last fuck. You simply do not care. There is not enough nihilism in the fucking world to describe the immensity of the fuck that you do not give.

>If you don't stay for overtime, I'll write you up!

<I dont give a dead mans last fuck

by ConsensualRapist August 2, 2011

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Man where the fuck is mario Judah

I'm a big dog, big bear, nigga, I'm a lion
I'm the predator of the prey that is hiding
Oh my, oh my, I have found you, nigga
Don't you run from me, lil' nigga
You are not fast enough
You are not brave enough
You are out of luck
Now it's time for you to die very rough

Person:1 Man where the fuck is Mario Judah

Person:2 I'm a big dog, big bear, nigga, I'm a lion I'm the predator of the prey that is hiding

by MariofuckingJudah July 29, 2021

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i'm literally going to die please call 911 please man i'm fucking

this isn't a joke my captor forgot to block urban dictionary this is my only escape I am being held in the basement of 308 negra arroyo lane albuquerque new mexico 87104

Joe: "Hey Jerry, how are you doing today?"
Jerry: "I'm literally going to die please call 911 please man i'm fucking"
Joe: "Great to hear!"

by Yeet-Fa-Feet September 16, 2022

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