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A german word used in various situations to express that something is different than usual. Direct translation of it would be mass and the usage isnt that different. It can also be used similar to wicked.
Usually it is used without much sentence surrounding it, as it is an expression of surprise, awe, amazement, shock etc.

Most of the times, the 'e' is stretched.

If anything, german verbs like "verteilt" (distributed) or "gekriegt" (got) are added.

It can also be used if there's lots of sth around.

In rare cases, it has been used as replacement for a "Hello" or "Hi".

Witnessing a hard football tackling, you'd stand up yelling:

After a pub fight were you had to take the hits, you'd say:
"Masse gekriegt!"

After a pub fight you won, you'd say:
"Masse verteilt!"

If you enter a pub with a lot of fine looking girls in it, you'd go:
"Masse an mรคdels!" or just "Masse!" with a glance in your eye so your mates would know what your on about.

by Saverio January 6, 2005

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To be the CEO of a company and show your staff how to be able to consistently print large amounts on the slots. Staff often get mislead that they are the CEO due to the soft and kindness of a Masse

You sir are a Masse when you keep printing like that at Casino Daddy!

by SomeGuyOutThere July 17, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.Steep angle on cue hitting English on a cue ball in order to cut/curve/slice/jump/draw back the cue ball.

2.Use of advanced English to control the cue ball

3. Great forms of trick shooting.

I am going to masse` around the 10 blocking my 8ball to hit the 8ball into the corner pocket.

by Litt9013 December 20, 2007

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Large amount of muscle

Ant Lee got that MASS cuz

by Billy Bobb September 7, 2005

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Used by country/redneck teenagers, the word mass comes to mean great or awesome.

Did y'all go to the truck pull last night? Those diesel trucks were lookin' pretty mass.

by Tabbatha August 4, 2006

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Very, extremely

That party was mass cool!

by Vanilla Rice April 29, 2003

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a hybrid of mold and ass or mossy ass. hence, "mass"

move your mass, fuckwit


christ, someone's mass is stinking up the place

by kaijaisfuckingrad July 11, 2008

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