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A man amongst boys, men who carry this last name are often leaders in their community, heroes to their peers, and blessings to their families. Men fear them and women lust after them. The name McGowan will be written about in scriptures long after we are gone.

Wow honey, did you see the McGowans moved down the street? I feel much safer knowing he’s watching over our neighborhood!

by Overwatch6969 January 18, 2023


The act of redefining an agreement or contract in ones favor at a late stage of the agreement after one party to said agreement has fulfilled it's terms

Especially egregious if one side holds a power imbalance over the other

Person 1: I've finished mowing the lawns, can I please get that $20 off you?
Person 2: Yes of course, if you can just put the rubbish out on the curb and I'll run in and get you the cash
Person 1: Wtf, don't McGowan me bro

by dingdingdingdingdingding December 28, 2022

ellie mcgowan

lovely jubly this one, ellie means substitute for sex, enjoys a good laugh, and plenty of foot rubs .

" hey fancy an ellie mcgowan" " sure dude"

by honeypie123 February 16, 2009




by john mcarthy June 23, 2017

emma mcgowan

obsessed with skins uk, greys anatomy, american horror story. is in love with evan peters

emma mcgowan is about to watch greys anatomy.

by charli&dixie damilio June 17, 2021

Abby Mcgowan

The girl who is drop dead gorgeous and doesn’t realize how beautiful she is. She is with an amazing guy that she truly loves. She didn’t think so at first , but now loves him more than anything. She is so sweet and her man loves her more than anything. Those two are lucky to have each other.

Omg is that Abby Mcgowan??
Yup! The wedding will be soon!

by Veiegekvdjf April 14, 2022

Nose McGowan

Cocaine (rhyming slang)

“That Weinstein prick tried to assault me again.... let’s get a bag of Nose McGowan and let off some steam”

by Santos L Halper June 12, 2018