Source Code

Middy Whisper

You drop your guts then bend over and breath it in then blow it on your loved ones (or anyone close by)!

Heh baby, you're a bit ugly for a fuck but I'll Middy Whisper you!

by Middy999 February 28, 2017

Middy Effect

When you interact with middy you fall into chaos

Jaws a nice person fell into the middy effect and turned into a mean person
Fear a normal person fell into the middy effect and being a unnormal person

by Just_middy December 23, 2022

Middie Slap

The act of bitch slapping a MAN

That boy is such a douche bag. I AM GOING TO MIDDIE SLAP HIM.

by ALLIETATA April 30, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Middy Scale

Also referred to as the "midi scale," it is a binary scale akin to the 1-10 hotness scale - except that it goes from 0-1. Its name originates from the lacrosse culture of the suburbs surrounding Boston, MA,USA.

1's on the middy scale are those who meet your standards, and whom you would do the nasty with

0's on the middy scale are so physically repulsive that they still look like a bad idea after heavy drinking - a solid "hell no"

--lad #1: "hey look at that girl! over there SOLID one the middy scale"
--lad #2: "yeah but look at her friend, that's a zero even on a good day"
--lad #1: "oh damn, I thought that was just an effeminate dude!"

by lolsquid January 29, 2014

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

F Middy

Your lord and master. Invincible. Not only feared by males, but adored by females.

F Middy owns your bitch ass.

by DJ Esus July 19, 2004

27๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mew's Middies Day

A National Holiday where we celebrate a Thai Treasure - Mew's Middies (MEW + TIDIES). First coming into the limelight
in August 2020, the start of 2021 was a dark time for the middie, with even social activists getting involved to
Finally around October 2021 our calls for more middies start to work with the imfamous "back on track' instagram posts,
leading up to the heart attack inducing 'check, check, check' post.

Bestie wake up, it's the 24th August and Mew's posted his middies to celebrate Mew's Middies Day

by Unicorn Moni August 24, 2022

Middy Lo Corta

A bum, typically a blonde chav who
scrounges for change around Preston and
makes no cash. Middy thinks he can cash but
really he can't, he cats off cherry drops and
wears dead Burberry.

Look at that middy lo corta kid, what a nitty tramp.

by chewwydrops1000 August 4, 2022