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Often referred to as Mitch, can be the bestest friend, best lover or best enemy you have. Has great advice, cares for you and can annoy you at sometimes. Often is on videogames which is where you may meet him. Mitchell's are very attractive and are very easy to miss.

Wow, I thought I was so screwed but Mitchell helped me out

At first I thought we would stay as friends, but now I miss him


257๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mitchell's have a wicked sense of humor and tend to stay inside and play video games. Intelligent, but a little odd at times. Treats people with kindness at spontaneous moments, but can have a rough exterior at times. Mitchell's are normally talented at many things, causing many people to be jelous. They chose to ingore these people, even unfortanetly bringing this into his freindships. Overall though, Mitchell's are very good people and can be an amazing freind.

"OMG Mitchell is so hilarious!"
"I know right?"

by nerdgirl400 January 6, 2013

474๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


The must fantastic boy around. He's cute, funny, and knows how to be sweet. He isn't much for dating, but when he finds the one girl he likes, he's faithful and understanding. Though not aggressive, he will protect. He'd have brown hair and greenish gold eyes that sparkle. He loves the color purple and gets confused for a slime.

Friend 1: oh is that Mitchell
Friend 2: yeah isn't he the best

by Openmeupboi March 19, 2019

85๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mitchell's are rare creatures. Here's what you can expect from some if not all of them.

1. Reminding people their name Is too common

2. Being jokingly offensive and homophobic

3. Too flirty for their own good.

4. Will make fun of vegans and rant about steaks/meats

5. Plays so many video games, watches movies, and will binge watch anime with their close buds.

6. Jokes too much, even In serious times.

7. Basically a reflective shield. Mitchell's don't take shit from anybody and will constantly prove to kick your ass when

they actually try to apply themselves to any situation.

8. They are incredibly lazy, almost never taking things into their own hands.

9. They are both mentally and physically strong, analyzing the situation and grasping victory.

10. They know how to give you a good time, may that be partying, in bed ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ) or elsewhere.

11. (Bonus) Mitchell's are great paired up with Elizabeth (s)

Duuude, did you hear? Mitchel hooked up with Elizabeth last night!

Omg, Mitchell just watched 45 episodes of my favorite anime with me in three days, he's so nice!

I think Sarah got a Mitchell for a boyfriend.

by Team Fortress 69 May 16, 2018

163๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most amazing guy you can ever meet. Once you start talking to him you can't stop. He is like a drug. He has the most beautiful blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, great barbie-ish laugh, tall, and extremely sweet. His family gets complicated at times but he usually can get through it. He needs people to be there for him. He truly only loves one person. He will hurt you, toss you around a little, but in the end, you were the only person he loves. Even though it may not seem like it. He has the most interesting perspective of life. He will love you forever no matter what you put each other through.

Guy: Is that Mitchell?
Girl: Yea, he is amazing
Guy: Didn't he date most of your best friends?
Girl: Yea, but that doesn't matter because I love him anyway, and he feels the same way.

Guy: Just don't get hurt
Girl: If anything, I will hurt him back...

by Nalleeewaayyy<3 April 19, 2013

212๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most amazing boy in the world :) he's hilarious and just thinking about him at any moment makes me smile. He's so nice and caring and is a good problem solver. He may not be the most sporty or strong guy in the world but he's perfect to me and I love him to death. Plus he's super hot anyway (Willard Mitchell Hot Railsback) he's really smart too and I feel like I can talk to him about anything like he's my best friend. There isn't a second in a day where I don't want to be around him and hold his hand and hug and kiss him because every time he touches me I get butterflies and can't help but smile. He has the sweetest blue eyes I've ever seen in my life and I could stare into them forever.
Also I can always just be my weird self around him and I can sing around him and not feel all awkward (haha) and even though things do get awkward here and there, I wouldn't trade a Mitchell for the world!!

Ahhhhhh!!! Willard Mitchell Hot Railsback is over there doing the unicorn lol he's so perfect for me!!

by THE BESTEST SISSY EVAHHH!! March 20, 2013

87๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mitchell is the best guy you could ever ask for. He will always stand beside you when times are dark, and will most likely become the love of you life when you are coming out of dark times. With dark hair and eyes you WILL get lost in forever, nothing beats this lovely dude.
Pray one day you meet a Mitchell, because they are the best.

Love you bae!!

Girl - I'm so jealous, she has Mitchell!

by TrustMePlease March 18, 2021