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A very large camel toe, on a ridiculously large woman. A combination of the phrase moose knuckle.

Damn Steph, Keisha needs to stop eating all that chicken. She's growing a muckle!

by people who annoy you October 21, 2008

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1. Similar to motor-mouth; Someone who talks excessively to no end and about many things at once.

2. Having a crooked or eccentrically shaped mouth that is seemingly rubber-like.

"She was sort of muckle-mouthed. I mean when she was talking and she got excited about something, her mouth sort of went in about 50 directions, her lips and all."
-Holden Caulfield of Catcher in the Rye

by TheseWords December 14, 2007

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Muckle Buckle

Clam Bag Tea Bag

After a Teabagging incident, Sheila decided to get her own back by attaching her Muckle Buckle to his face while he slept.

by MilkyBarKid NI August 15, 2019


Comes from the root word "muckled" aka being really really intoxicated.

Muckle-city relates to how people say they were "gone" last night. Well where did you "go" to my friend? After careful research the answer is MUCKLE-CITY.
It is the place your soul goes when you are black out drunk and it can't stand to see what you do to your body when you are blacked out, therefore you've GONE..to muckle-city.

"I bought a one way ticket to muckle-city last night"

translation: i blacked the fuck out last night.

by Tiatttss June 29, 2011

Muckle Buck

This term is used when you are talking to someone about another person but cannot think of their name at that very moment. You use this to kind of 'stall' and keep the conversation going at that very moment. Later, you can replace it with the name of the person you could no think of during.

Person1: Last night ole' muckle buck fell in the fire!

Person2: Who's muckle buck!?

Person1: James, I couldnt thinkk of his name.

by mck56 April 18, 2009

muckle shit

An area of ground that is covered in mud, dirty water, leaking sewage, or other materials of disgusting nature.

We were throwing the Frisbee and it landed right in the muckle shit.

by Theodous McKelvin July 14, 2014

Muckle Skrill

Expensive. (Literally: "A lot of money").

I'd love to buy a BMW but its muckle skrill.

by RoloD November 4, 2003

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