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murphy lee

real talent, sexy as hell and da school boy has graduated to the University of Deerty Entertainment. He'll be mine one day Murphy and Da School Girl 2gether 4ever. On the real the best up and coming rappers. Show him some love. Murphy's LEEgal on December 1st!! Tohri Harper My Baby.

Up and coming rapper who is sexy and a lady's man who will be able to buy his Hennessey and Hypnotic for that Incredible Hulk. Murphy Lee aka Tohri Harper.

by DaSkoolGurl_aka_Tohri's_BabyGirl September 29, 2003

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murphy lee

A sexy chocolate fine brother that can be my baby daddy.

by murphy lee's princess October 24, 2003

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murphy lee

Murphy Lee is one of the best lookin rappers out there. No St. Lunatic compares. His rymes is just as tight as his dreds.

Murphy Lee is so damb SEXY and will make it far.

by Murphy's Future baby MAMA September 16, 2003

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murphy lee

Created possibly the worst song of 2003 (besides clap back of course) and belongs in catergories with rappers such ass ja rule and coolio

wat da hook gon be? you aint gonna hear anotha song from me

by Chester March 10, 2004

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murphy lee

hot, sexy, and very attractive

like in shake your tale feather

by calliope shorty August 8, 2003

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Murphy Lee:

MeMber of the St Lunicits. Murphys 1st alubm drops on Sept 23 2003. Murphy Law inculdes Nelly, Seven, StLunics ,ect.. its hot

Murphy Law

by Shae davis September 7, 2003

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murphy lee

to b da finest dark skinned dude in da rap business, damn he fine

ill shake my tailfeather 4 u even though u were hardly in da video. p.diddy cut u off cuz he was jealous, thats all

by hotgurl September 22, 2003

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