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Soft and Neat

Soft and Neat is a quote from the DanAndPhilCrafts video Potato Prints. It is used to describe how you stamp a potato print on an 8x4 sheet of paper, and it is also used to bring up Satan.

Now, don't forget Johnny, soft and neat, soft and neat, soft and neat

by ManlyOlPhan April 2, 2017

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Something cool, nifty, or keen.

That scooter you have sure is neat-o.

by hans blix September 21, 2003

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neat freak

As well as liking their house to be permanently clean, a neat freak likes to have every element of their life tidy and in order. Unlike people with OCD neat freaks do not repetitively and obsessively clean things but they also can get upset when something is out of order because order equals control, hence security.

Jill is such a neat freak! She cleans her house thoroughly every day and also irons all her kids' clothes. They always look clean and tidy.

by lyndal June 1, 2007

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neat slob

(n). a young man, usually a bachelor, who can be neat when he wants to, but prefers to leave his car, apartment, and other belongings in a disorderly fashion.

I am a neat slob. When company comes over, I will tidy up the place, then after they leave, I will leave things all over the place.

by boggler May 31, 2005

Keep It Neat

Looking calm, collected, chilled out and very confident.

"Bro, I know your whylin out right now but, thoose girls over there are feelin us so, keep it neat"

by DJ Fourway April 1, 2006

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big neats

A more covert way of saying "Nigger Beater." Typically a Maglite flashlight having at least 2 D-cell batteries.

Dude! Grab Big Neats, Nigga stole mah bike!!

by MohammedJihad January 15, 2008

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soft and neat

the meme of all memes created by Dan & Phil when on a danandphilcrafts video potato prints are shown, the fraise SOFT AND NEAT is thrown around then a shit ton of people commented soft and neat therefore causing a purge of soft and neat memes


by peggyscut April 29, 2019