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New Jersey

Ummm..try New Jersey has the highest per capita wealth of any state (that's right more than NY or CT) And of course, we respect NY, a lot of us go into the city very often, and New Jersey is very classy. We have classic prep towns like Ridgewood and lots of celebrities live in Saddle River, among other towns. Bergen County is among the richest in the country and we may be a suburb, but we're close enough to cities like Hoboken that there's something going on all the time. Plus, we have a whole bunch of NY sports teams playing in NJ, like the Jets, Giants, etc. Please respect New Jersey, we respect you guys.

Most of us who live here think that NJ is a great place to live! Our schools are among the best in the nation, and we have an abundance of fresh air and trees! We're centrally located so we can enjoy the splendor of many states, NY and CT amongst the many.

by <3 NJ August 3, 2005

156๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Jersey

A geographically and culturally diverse east coast state that is often overshadowed by New York and Philly. New Jersey has many appealing tourist spots and is not given the credit that it deserves. There are, however, a few scary places in New Jersey, such as Camden, with the country's highest murder rate, and the Pine Barrens, where a little critter called the Jersey Devil eats helpless and stranded tourists with flat tires on New Jersey's Route 72.

New Jersey: The Garden State

by Vincent February 1, 2005

108๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Jersey

The best state in the country. Is often dissed by Pennsylvanians because of the infamous "Fifteen Miles of Universal Fart" but I'd sure as hell rather smell that than cow manure and all the other shit PA has to offer.

PA Native: You're from Jersey huh? What exit?
Jersey Native: 98, fuck-you-very-much.

by A Jersey Girl Stuck in PA December 9, 2004

171๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Jersey

My Home state. If you haven't been here don't judge because every place has common misconceptions. First of all no one ever says Joisey, seriously no one ever does. North Jersey is influenced by New York and South Jersey is influenced by Philly. That's why in North Jersey alot of people are NY Giants fans and in the southern end people like the Eagles more. Most people here respect New York and love NYC. We also appreciate Philly, we have two of the best cities right next to us. The suburbs of NJ are awesome. The houses are gigantic, most people are friendly, parties all the time, and seasonal weather. We have more Pizza and Bagel shops than all of the west coast and south put together. We are a diverse state, Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asian, Indian, all live together. We do have some gang related problems in Newark, Camden, and Trenton but all cities have crime unless they're in the middle of no where. We usually are short tempered people but really nice. Like I said we have seasonal weather, summer = Hot as hell. Fall = Breezy but still wear shorts. Winter = Fucking freezing. Spring = warm and nice. The Jersey shore is really nice, clean water, and big waves. I'm not saying Jersey is better than where you live. I love the West Coast, California and Nevada are amazing. I like the South too, Miami is my favorite city and I want to go to Atlanta and North Carolina. The Mid-West is cool and I love the North East because it's my home. What I'm saying is, I don't think Jersey is better than every other place, but it Isn't even close to being horrible. Don't Judge untill you've seen the entire state.

Ignorant Fuck: New Jersey sucks they have fucked up accents, gangs, and rich snobs in the suburbs.

Educated Person: Actully No one speaks with that accent, every city has crime, and not all the suburban people are snobish, they worked hard to make it there.

by King of NJ October 13, 2007

144๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Jersey

Let me clear somethings up

1. We don't say Joisey, we say Jurzee I think we would know how to pronounce our state's name

2. The only part of the state that has industrial factories is in the Northeast part that is real close to NYC

3. We have shores, not beaches

4. We have garbage dumps? Naw, your thinking of Staten Island, New York home to the biggest dump in the world

5. We're all in the Mafia? Nope, New Jersey is home to Italians, Irish, Blacks, Indians, Jews, and is a diverse state, stop hating on Italian people anyway, I'm Italian and don't know anyone in the mob.

6. We are small boring state? We might be small but it's not THAT boring, we have six flags great adventure, home to King Da Ka, many malls, beaches, cities (Jersey city, Atlantic City, Newark, etc.) and concerts. If you wanna be bored go to North Dakota.

7. We have a horrible accent, like Cawfee, gawjus, dawg, baygal? Not really, our accents are not that strong and a lot of people aren't even born and raised in Jersey. I know people that moved here from Illinois, South Carolina, and New York so alot of people that your hear talking haven't even lived here for half their lives.

8. We're poor? Pshh, as of 2008 we are one of the richest states, yes CT is richer stop bitiching.

9. Suburbia? Yes are our suburbs are home to soccer moms, PTA meetings, and SUV'S. But suburbs are actually not that bad, we don't have to worry about getting shot, or killed, we can stay out late without getting arrested, you get a lot of friends, no racial tension, no gangs, and we all go to colleges.

10. New Jersey is the same everywhere you go in the state?
No, Northeast Jersey is industry, Rest of North Jersey like Bergen county are rich, and their are ghettos like Newark, Patterson, and Elizabeth but their not that bad. Central Jersey, home to suburbs, Trenton the state capital and shores. South Jersey has Atlantic City, close to Phily, and the best shores in the state.

Kid: Ew your from Joisey, that's not as good as my state!

Me: I guess you don't like beaches, King Da Ka the highest fastest rollercoaster in the world, Queen Latifah, Redman, Derek Jeter, Kevin Jonas, Ashley Tisdale, The Sopranos, House, Princeton, cause they're all from New Jersey and I'm loving it.

by Jersey Kid March 21, 2008

92๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Jersey

The best state in the U.S. Even though most people hate on N.J., it has the best corn and tomatoes, among other things. New Jersey is also famous for Bon Jovi, Redman, Queen Latifah, Naughty By Nature, Bruce Springstein, and many others.

Place where are all of the major casinos are located on the East Coast.

by Inspector Gadget August 20, 2004

258๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Jersey


(see shithole)

Wow, this shithole reminds me of New Jersey!

by Foznots November 2, 2009

209๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž