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If your name is Nico, there is an 80% chance you are homosexual. Nico's are usually flamboyant, obnoxious, and overtly gay in every situation.

"You kissed another dude? That's pretty Nico bro."

by OnlyBigFacts December 7, 2018

17πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Nico is a FBoy who is popular and calls people thots or a bitches for fun πŸ˜‚. Watch out for a Nico, either keep him or lose him. Once you get to know him he is super funny. He will normally be blonde and have brothers or at least a sister. He has a bad reputation but is super chill. He will be there for you if you need him. He attracts a lot of girls because of his looks/charm. He is a homie to all his friends and keeps them close. At the same time that he attracts pretty girls he also attracts ugly girls who can be clingy and have bad breath. Disgusting. So if your a Nico and your reading this... β€œYour welcome.”

If Nico starts a conversation with you, don’t turn it down.

by Jessi_GLaSEr^ May 1, 2020

24πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A boy concerned with his looks and smokes a lot of weed.
Aka Posh Spice

Nico - "Damn I look good today!"

by Cookie Monster and Ernie April 7, 2010

192πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž


a fucking legend he is always the best he likes to skate and he is going to become a druggie

it's nico

by x Γ¦ a_12 September 29, 2020

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Nico is a person who has deathly smelling farts and shits, he never flushes the toilet and leaves it for the next person.

Nico: *leaves bathroom*

Guy 1: *walks into bathroom*

Guy 1: *dies for deathly inhalation*

by noobmastvr69 September 19, 2019

14πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The most annoying person on earth.
Mean to his sister Genna.
Do not be friends with Nico.
Don’t bang him when his sister is home
A Nico is usually gay

Girl #1:Omg Nico is so gay.
Girl#2:I know right!He shoved my dildo in his butt!

by Yeet1001 February 24, 2019

15πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A medium height dashingly handsome boy with
shoulder length hair and bulging muscles.He can usually be found consuming insane amounts of alcohol whilst smoking.Most of his friends know him as lancelot or cheap-hoe(name not related to decisions made by said person although he does get laid quite often.)

Random guy: Dude did you see Nico last night !?

Random guy #2: Ya bro he was tearing shit up last night, I've never seen anyone drink that much!

Random guy: Seriously he was an animal i cant believe he slept with that hottie at the party she was almost untouchable

by Simplevieu February 7, 2009

227πŸ‘ 252πŸ‘Ž