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1.A person who has white features, but is not of the white, asian, black, or hispanic race.
2.The selective few who have the "nilla" mentallity (i.e. Non-supporter of California and California related things(Hollister, MTV, Myspace))
3.One who can easily use the word nigger and not offend anyone, because that individual has changed the definition to hit a more wider margin of people (anyone who is just fucking dumb or has done a dumb thing).

NON-NILLA: We are going to the mall later. Wanna come?
NILLA:No,fuck that, going to the mall is cali.

NON-NILLA:So you think you are black becuase you say you are nilla?
NILLA:No...I'm the superior form of nilla, bitch.

by Lemon Hess December 16, 2006

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Term used to indicate a good situation, person, thing, or idea.

"I just bought a nilla car."

"That was so nilla."

"Did you meet that nilla guy?"

by Lola A. August 19, 2006

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Nilla Wafer

AAVE slang derived from a brand of sweet snack that’s similar to a vanilla wafer. It describes a light skinned Caucasian person. Depending on usage it can be said neutrally, cheekily, or condescendingly. It can have implications similar to the slang β€œvanilla wafer” referring to a person who is unadventurous. In that context β€œnilla wafer” suggests a person has little exposure to cultural media, customs, and cuisine outside of their white racial experiences.

β€œI saw her on that show where she was booty shaking and trying to rap. I was like, β€˜Okay, nilla wafer.’”

by lovely rat kitten September 30, 2022

killa nilla

A white guy who is perfectly cool, collected, and comfortable in his whiteness so as to be attractive to woman, of all ethnicities, backgrounds and creeds.

Dexter just got to the club and like half da honies are are sprung for him. My boy's a real killa nilla!

by Tenacious Faulker May 16, 2009

69πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

my nilla

A variation on "My Nigga", for white people.

Shoot the thrilla, my nilla.

by Denis Baldwin June 30, 2004

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nilla killa

1) When black mojo trumps white mojo.

Damn! D'ju see Qwame come rollin up and pimp Dane's girl off him?

Yeah, dat mofo's a real nilla killa!

Also see: killa nilla.

by Tenacious Faulker May 1, 2009

81πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

nilla waifer

Basically your average white chick; not remarkabley attractive, not hideous either, and a bit on the thin side; as in the Nilla Wafer cookie. Used sometimes by black folks to describe a white chick or their girlfriends.

D'wayne's got hiself a cute lil' nilla waifer to buy him some shit!

Tina Fey and Paris Hilton are Morgan and Nicole Ritchie nilla waifers.

by Tenacious Faulker May 1, 2009

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