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Someone who is obsessed with anime(which is terrible) and depended on his one friend who isn’t really friends with the OJ and needs to touch grass

He is such an OJ get a real friend do some sport and stop watching anime

by Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeese April 27, 2022


OJ means that he has a giant horse cock and gets all the girls

OJ: how are u doing ?
Girls: can I fuck u?

by Oakley-Jay November 23, 2021


Homocidal orange juice.

The genetically engineered OJ's escaped from the store and started killing people and writing books about it.

by Alien Blender May 21, 2008

12πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Indo/Javanese term(slang):Ora Jelas
English meaning:
Ora - not
Jelas - clear
Ora Jelas= not clear, unclear meaning, meaningless, useless slang to be used in daily vocab.

Applicable to Indonesian only:

by OJ! June 29, 2005

10πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


1. The acronym for orange juice

2. The acronym for those who are too lazy to say "only joking"

Kirsten: "im going to kill you in your sleep"
Alyssa: "what?"
Kirsten: "haha...oj!"

by rosy11111111 July 11, 2008

9πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


ORIGINAL JEW - a cool, awesome jew that survived the holocaust. a freaking awesome HOMESKILLET G that loved OJ .(orange juice)


"Aye, Whatsup my OJ . got any orange juice in your fridge" -ana

"Bro, what's an OJ ? And hecksyeah, i love me some orange juice" - gangsta jew

"That's YOU, my OJ . Aren't you Jewish? " -ana

by Ananay & Carolynanay March 15, 2011

9πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Original jokesters. If you are a original jokester then you are an OJ.

Ashton and Michelle made an original joke that was so funny. Therefore they are Ojs.

by Moe Boss July 19, 2006

9πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž