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October 10th

National Con Smith Day, which is on October 10th, or 10/10, is to celebrate Thee Con Smith

Lucki: OMG! GUYS! It's October 10th! Time to celebrate Con Smith!

by whiteJELEEL! October 3, 2022

October 10th

National buy your partner a gift day

It’s October 10th!

by Lxxlee September 20, 2021

october 10th

carrot send pics pls

ahh shii its that time of month, october 10th

by thesimpkingoflawliet? October 10, 2020

October 10th

National send a booty pic day

It's October 10th, time to send a booty pic.

by Qwety3020 October 10, 2020

October 10th - National Write Elly A Paragraph Day

a day where u send her paragraphs bcs she's tired of never being the one on the receiving end smh
- giving everything you could ; every part of you, your love language, your money, your time, your patience, your efforts, your comforting words — but never receiving any -

"Yo it's October 10th - National Write Elly A Paragraph Day, we should write her a paragraph"

by folkloreenthusiast October 9, 2021

October 10th 2020

It is a special day because of two reasons.

Reason 1: It is 6969 days since the September 11th attacks
Reason 2: It is the 10 year anniversary of My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic

Hey, guess what, it's October 10th 2020, it's been 6969 days since 9/11!!!!

Or, alternatively

Ohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh-Rainbow Dash

What the hay is wrong RD????-Twilight Sparkle


AAAANNND, the bronies will be celebrating because it is going to be the 10th anniversary of the first episode of My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic!!--Pinkie-Pie

Yaaaaaay, we can all celebrate with Muffins!!!--Derpy

Wait, but what's a Brony, and What's "My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic"?--Flitterfloosh

Or ya know, October 10th, 2020 is just a date on the calendar.

by Dirds and Pinkie Ponk October 2, 2020