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Could be an option..

A turn of phrase best used when a random or casual acquaintance invites you to do something you have no intention of actually doing..

A noncommittal and inoffensive way to say no to something you don’t want to do..

Random: Hey bro you should all come over to my house for drinks..

Me: Yeah thanks dude, could be an option..

Annoying colleague: Hey we should definitely go and catch a movie some time..

Me: Yeah that sounds great, could be an option..

by P Hats February 4, 2021

car option

A phrase used in the black and mexican communities to describe crimes committed by politicians and other government personnel.

The car option in the Police department is thick. We must end the car option at City Hall

by Peter Taystor May 9, 2021

option select

1. A fighting game term; it's inputting in multiple commands/moves in order to cover various bases.

2. Outside of fighting game terms, it means to cover your own ass, or to provide an excuse.

1. I almost forgot the option select there; luckily he choked on the combo.

2. Don't option select by saying that your controller is shit; we both know you just suck at fighting games.

Don't pull a chuck.

by NotChuckxoxo March 25, 2014

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taking the option

When you have an obligation to be somewhere, but decide you would rather not and go do something else instead, like go hang out with friends or go home and sleep. This alternate action is almost certainly frowned upon by the coach/authority figure and by those who are truly committed to the activity.

"Going to football today?"
"No man. I'm taking the option and going to dairy Queen instead. Wanna come?"

"No one is here today? What the hell?"
"Everyone took the option instead."
"Well that's lame."

by Sliver92 January 11, 2010

call option

(FINANCE) a financial derivative that entitles the owner to buy a fixed amount of X for a fixed price (the strike price) by a specific date in the future. If this is an equity derivative, X is referred to as the underlying stock.

A call option allows one to reap profits from an increase in price of a traded item without actually buying the asset itself. Since it is an option, one is not compelled to exercise it if it not advantageous to do so; however, the party that initially issued the option (i.e., the one who "wrote" the option) is legally obligated to honor the option.

When the strike price of a call option is more than the current market price of the asset (i.e., its "spot price"), then it has no intrinsic value and is "out of the money."

Buying a call option is one way to take a long position on the underlying asset.

Writing a call is a way to take a short position.

by Abu Yahya April 15, 2010

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ass options

When a man has various women that he can hook up with
especially used when the man has a girlfriend or is traveling to a new city where old friends live

Man, Fred has some serious ass options during his week long trip to New York.

by Ellis Davis December 27, 2007

triple option

the act or willingness to have vaginal, anal and oral sex

I ran the "triple option" on Heather last night!

My girlfriend runs the "triple option".

by damdug January 3, 2010

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