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Luciana Ovo

She is the highest representative of the fury committee, thanks to her unwavering and sick fanaticism towards animals. Please keep any animal away from her or there will be consequences.....

Stay away from my dog, Luciana Ovo

by October 24, 2023


Short form for Drake's record label - Other Vaginal Option

What OVO for? The "Other Vaginal Option"?

by May 5, 2024


Other Vaginal Option

What OVO for? The "Other Vaginal Option"?

by Kendrick Lamar Fan May 23, 2024


Acronym meaning, “the other vaginal option.”

My girl was on her period so I had to call my OVO.

by Lil Twitta June 21, 2024

1👍 1👎


Other Vaginal Option

“We gettin after it tonight, OVO crodie!”

by Swankytaco May 10, 2024


Other Vaginal Option (OVO): noun — A slang term used to refer to alternative methods or choices related to vaginal health or medical treatments. This could encompass a range of topics from contraceptive methods to therapeutic procedures.

Alex: I’ve been having some issues with the birth control I'm currently on. I'm looking for something less invasive and with fewer side effects.

Jordan: Have you considered exploring an Other Vaginal Option? I read about several non-hormonal methods that might be more in line with what you're looking for. We could look up some information and talk to your healthcare provider about it.

Other Vaginal Option (OVO): noun — A slang term used to refer to alternative methods or choices related to vaginal health or medical treatments. This could encompass a range of topics from contraceptive methods to therapeutic procedures.

by The_Culture May 5, 2024


Acronym for the "Other Vaginal Option", coined by rapper Kendrick Lamar

What OVO for? The "Other Vaginal Option"?

by lyunzer May 7, 2024