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A person who does so much oxy that they're useless

He was nodding off so much during the interview that they canceled. What an oxymoron!

by THat_Indian_Guy September 14, 2016

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A person who has suffered hypoxic brain damage from a botched autoerotic asphyxiation session.

After dangling unconscious from his wank noose for 15 minutes, John was successfully resuscitated, but alas it was too late; severe deficits in his intellectual faculties had rendered him an oxymoron.

by Pimbo March 26, 2018

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A series of words that contradict each other.


Oxymoron example:
Donald Trump for President

by Cheyennepepper April 27, 2016

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Two words or phrases that contradict each other

Chowkidar Amit Shah - when the watchman (Chowkidar) steals, it is an oxymoronic situation

by Docpilot March 18, 2019

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A habitual user of Oxycodone whose continuted use has diminished their intellect to that of an idiot or moron.

Damn, Martinique your brother sure is an oxymoron." "Well what do you expect? He smokes them thangs like Newports!

by Professor Von Slice Five October 30, 2010

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A pairing of words that conflict or contradict each other.

Fan Dub
Rap Music
Intelligent Democrat
Free Healthcare
Stupid Jap
Honest Politician
Communism Works
Sober Irishman
Courageous French
English Cuisine
Talented DeviantART

To make a shitty English clip of an anime and call if a "Fandub" is an oxymoron.

by ใ‚ขใ‚ญใƒ October 29, 2009

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The chemical product of a Trump supporter with the oxygen of reality.

Yesterday I doused Uncle Cletus in gas and set fire to him. He is now an oxymoron.

by Corbarian March 20, 2017

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