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piece of shit.

guy1: my POS brother is being a retard again.

x: get rid of this POS phone

by chainsawguy200 June 17, 2011

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Used to describe a mean person who doesn't care about others and screws people over, maybe to get what they want, maybe for no reason at all other than to be a dick, to the point that a literal piece of shit would be better company

Karens who abuse their privilege to get what they want are POS
Dudes who put entire toilet paper rolls into public toilets to clog them are POS

by ngicecream August 25, 2021


Piece of Shit

He is a POS for cheating on his girl friend.

by Nafia & Zishan June 29, 2018


pussy on steroids

Anyone muscular whose afraid of doing something
"Your a POS, why are you afraid of roller coasters"

by Slurpeeshots June 26, 2015

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Piece of shit, commonly used to describe assholes or to cassually make fun of someone.

Ben your a POS, you got with my sister.

Yo tav, waddup POS

by neegus October 18, 2011

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POS stands for piece of shit and is helpful in calling your friends a piece of shit because you can just say POS prounced PAWZ

Ed, Mike, Tom, David, Allen, and Erick are all POS's (plural form)

by Erick Liang October 14, 2006

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Point of Sales System

Check out that Telenor POS!
Check out Stefan's Program Dossier

by JIAFF February 12, 2003

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