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Pamper's Clause

Covering your ass

He said he wasn't shown what to do,so escaped blame...He used the Pamper's Clause...

by thefullronnie August 27, 2011

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bloody pampers

used tampon

he lost the bet, and now he has to eat his girlfriend's bloody pampers.

by juicejuice April 13, 2009

pamper slut

economicaly challenged single mom , who will perform sexual favors for a box of pampers.

I gave her a box of pamper , and then fucked that pamper slut in the bedroom while her kids watched sponge bob in the living room

by chris77 October 7, 2007

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Pampered Princess

A person usually entitled, spoiled, and submissive within a relationship

β€œOh you don’t want to go out with Gina, she’s a Pampered Princess.”

by Squishee1 June 24, 2021

Campers Pampers

An adult diaper brand used for soldiers and snipers while in combat. This prevents them from leaving the battlefield or their post to take a shit. This may give away your position as the smell of your shit will probably be noticed. So good luck.

I had to use campers pampers to make sure that I didn't leave my sniper post. I was able to successfully take down the target all without moving to shit.

by awbatman500 June 15, 2014

shitty pamper

The best rapper to ever come out, he also goes by JiDion.

shitty pamper is the best rapper ever

by iheartthecreator May 29, 2022

Pamper Scamper

The shuffling walk you do with your pants and underwear around your ankles when you realize you shit yourself and need to locate a good place to escape your soiled predicament

That fart was more than I bargained for, I pulled down my pants to see it indeed was more than fart, it was my lunch, I pamper scampered to the bathroom, removed all my shame and took a shower.

by Levy Gravy January 5, 2011

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