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Dating partnership

More than friends with benefits where you are also emotionally vested but at a lower level of spectrum than a much serious relationship such as commitment or marriage.

Gang of friends: Hey man, so you have been seeing that girl for a while now, you guys committed?
Puli (the playboy of the gang): Not at all! What we have is a "dating partnership".

by Shackle_95 October 16, 2018

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limited liability partnership

(US BUSINESS LAW) a type of business organization which is a cross between a partnership and a corporation. In a private partnership, all of the partners own all the assets in common and have unlimited liability; in a corporation, the firm assets are owned by a legal "person," and shareholders are liable only for the value of their stake (equity) in the firm.

Partnerships have higher risk for members, but their management can disclose a lot less and the taxes are lower. Limited/limited liability partnerships represent a compromise.

In a limited partnership, one or more of the partners has unlimited liability ("general partners") and the others have liability limited to their equity stake in the firm ("limited partners"). A limited partnership is indicated by the initials "LP" after the name, e.g. Apollo Management, LP.

In a limited liability partnership, all members have limited liability; specifically, the other partners of the LLP are shielded from torts for malpractice against the other partners, BUT they are legally responsible for financial claims against the whole organization. LLP liability varies somewhat by state law (several US states do not permit LLP's at all), and somewhat by the terms of the LLP agreement for that particular partnership.

Apologies to Urban Dictionary for an error in the definition of private equity fund and hedge fund: both types of fund are almost never LLP's; they are often limited partnerships (LP's).

The limited liability partnership is a popular form of business organization for lawyers and other professionals.

by Abu Yahya September 2, 2010

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YouTube Partnership Program

The YouTube Partnership Program is an opportunity for YouTube users that, after surpassing a certain amount of subscribers and views, allows the user to profit off of advertising revenue and paid promotions. However, it was also mischievously designed to fuck over smaller channels that have not yet met their requirements to be eligible for the YouTube Partnership Program by cockweeds that only care about the product first and creativity second.

There are rumors that, long ago, the YouTube website actually rewarded creativity and originality. No complicated algorithms based on watch time and upload frequency that only seem to be programmed to benefit the advertisers that give YouTube money. No Paul brothers or RiceGums to plague the platform due to how these ridiculous algorithms work. No random users playing a monetization lottery and sometimes getting several videos deleted or even their entire channel suspended. Just a site of pure, wild fun for the world to enjoy and share.

But in any case, this is what we have now. Thanks.

Friend: "Hey, I heard you're eligible for the YouTube Partnership Program! That's awesome!"
User: "Actually, those regulations were just changed. Guess I'll have to post hundreds of vlogs and diss tracks to even stand a chance now."

by ARGUS_SBB January 22, 2018

Hope Partnership

The best school of all time!!

Hey guys I go to Hope Partnership

by jfjdfjjjsjejeje June 8, 2022

de facto partnership

people living together who are not married

Angelina Jollie and Brad Pitt live together but they are not married, so they are a de facto partnership

by julcan October 7, 2013

Leesburg Partnership

The City was named as a Florida Main Street City in 1994 when the Downtown Business

Association, the City of Leesburg and the Chamber of Commerce formed the Leesburg Partnership in a united effort to preserve the town's heritage. The Leesburg Partnership has assisted in the City's revitalization projects by hosting many public events and festivals which include Mardi Gras Street Party, the Leesburg Mardi Gras Ball, the Christmas Parade, the Main Street Christmas Stoll, and the famous Leesburg Bikefest, to name just a few.

The Leesburg Partnership has done a lot to help with the development of the City of Leesburg in Florida.

by AndiLee June 30, 2009

The Partnership

After his successful battle against the corrupted wizard, Malte Wegbratt continued to travel the land, using his Toffelhjälte shoes to help those in need. One day, he stumbled upon a small village where he met a man named Vilmer Andersson.

Vilmer was a large, boisterous man with a big heart and a love for all things meaty. He was also a skilled fighter, with a quick wit and an unshakable resolve. Malte was impressed by Vilmer's bravery and his unwavering dedication to fighting evil, even if it was driven by his addiction for pulled pork.

Together, Malte and Vilmer set out on a new adventure, determined to rid the land of any remaining threats. They traveled far and wide, battling fierce monsters and evil sorcerers with a combination of Malte's skill and Vilmer's pork-based attacks.

Despite their different approaches to combat, Malte and Vilmer made a formidable team. Malte used his Toffelhjälte shoes to move quickly and strike with lightning-fast kicks, while Vilmer charged into battle with his trusty bag of pulled pork, flinging it at enemies with deadly accuracy.

Their adventures took them through dark forests, treacherous swamps, and towering mountains. They encountered many challenges, but always emerged victorious, thanks to their unbreakable bond and their unyielding courage.

And though they were very different, Malte and Vilmer formed a deep friendship that would last a lifetime. Together, they continued to travel the land, fighting evil wherever it appeared, and bringing hope and light to all those they encountered.

This is the story of the partnership between the infamous Malte Wegbratt and Vilmer Andersson

by Onegreatstorytellerdude. February 15, 2023