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Passport Bros

Passport bros are a new phenomenon of Western men who are deciding to go to Asia and elsewhere to find traditional / feminine women to wife up because they are either annoyed at the insanely high standards that modern Western women hold, or they don't share the extreme woke values, or because western women can be hypocrites who want a provider man but they won't clean or cook.

Passport bros are a variation of MGTOW movement, but the passport variant are men who still want to wife up good women instead of rejecting marriage altogether. Passport bros believe that certain women are worthy of marriage and that both husband and wife should contribute to the marriage in some way.

Person 1: Bro the girl on Tinder says I must be 6ft tall, 6 pack, 6 figure income, pay for all her gifts but she won't cook or clean

Person 2: dude, just become passport bros like me. My wife is foreign and we are happily married for 5 years so far.

by Habibicatty February 12, 2023

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passport law

a new post-9/11 rule that says you can't leave or enter the U.S.A. without a passport. Just to go to Canada you have to spend $100 on a passport and wait for weeks to get it.

I live 4.5 hours away from the Canadian border and just to go up there and spend an afternoon I have to carry a passport now, thanks to this new passport law. That really sucks big time!

by I Saw U2 Live Twice January 30, 2007

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Dual Passporting

The act of dating two people simultaneously.

Oliver was dual passporting with Imogen and Angel.

by thedualpassporter June 8, 2020

Passport Bros

Men in the west who understand that the west (particularly the U.S.) is a sinking ship, both financially and culturally, and therefore, choose to live in countries where their money goes further and they're treated with more respect, particularly by women.

Passport Bros understand that their lives would be better in places like Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe, because strong family values are still seen as the norm in places like that. Hook-up culture isn't as rampant in those parts of the world, and thus, the population, especially the women, are far less damaged. They create better and stronger family units.

Passport Bros tend to get "bullied" by western women, who, ironically, prove why those Passport Bros exist in the first place. And for some reason, black men are the primary target of that bullying, though men of all races, especially men with the money to do so, are leaving the west for a better life abroad. Perhaps the bullying comes from the fact that it's the men with money, the men that these women want the most, that are the ones leaving.

The Passport Bros are finding greener pastures and happier, less stressful, more peaceful lives outside of places like USA, Canada, and the UK.

by Common Sense 7 February 26, 2023

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Nigerian Passport

A large black penis.

Great. I got a Nigerian passport.

by tanqueray01 April 16, 2011

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Passport Bro

Passport Bro phenomenon is of men who are tired of the 80/20 pareto rule in dating and are choosing to go abroad to Asia (mainly Southeast Asia) where women appreciate their value more. This is due to Hoeflation, as explained elsewhere.

The Austrian school of economics believes any increase in the money supply not supported by an increase in the production of goods and services leads to an increase in prices.

Likewise, suppose there is an increase in the quality of men but no increase in the quality of women. This causes an increase in the demand for good women as there is a decent amount of good men. Thus, the price of good women will now increase.

Remember the law of demand (the law of demand states that quantity purchased varies inversely with price), so men will go where there value is appreciated more where they do not have to deal with enormous rip-offs.

The decline in quality of Western women and the rise of quality in Asian women is as stark as the takeover of Japanese automobiles being more valuable than American automobiles around the 1980s. More value for one's money, a greater return on an investment (ROI - more bang for your buck).

Friend 1: Im sick of being rejected

Friend 2: duuude just become a Passport Bro like me

by davidmilldurger March 31, 2023

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Passport constipation

When you have applied for a passport with the US Government 6 months ago and you are leaving tomorrow and still can't squeeze out a passport for your spring break trip!

Hey Tracy: Have you received your passport yet for our trip to Punta Cana on Friday?

Tracy: Hell no, the US governemnet has passport constipation! They can't seem to squeeze out the passport I applied for 6 months ago!-

by MaxtheCameraMan April 5, 2009

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