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As Per Usual

The redundant version of "Per usual", used to add extra words and seem more official.

As according to usual
As as usual

Have my assistant handle my accounts this week as per usual.

by djjellyk November 13, 2015

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bella per

Bella per is an expression that originates from the streets of Italy. It is used to express happiness towards something or someone. Bella per became more commonly used after the Italian rap group Dark Polo Gang started to use it

(ex. Bella per i pini or bella per gucci)

by Lil Vari February 7, 2018

Per Stephen

An instruction to another person, usually after casually mentioning an idea or notion to Stephen, or in some cases requesting Stephen's opinion or thought on a specific matter. Stephen is not always aware that the person requesting his opinion will immediately quote it to another person.

A multi-faceted definition, "Per Stephen" can either be used in the form of a request or a statement. The person using this phrase usually does not want to do something, so they use Stephen's words as the excuse or reasoning behind why they should no longer be assigned to a task. For request format, "Per Stephen" usually involves an extraordinary purchase or in some cases, food or electronics purchases.

"Per Stephen, please no longer assign me to tickets that require me to get up from my desk."

"Per Stephen, we should all receive Teslas for Christmas."

"Per Stephen, we should no longer charge clients for service. Instead, we'll be accepting IOUs for all services rendered."

"Per Stephen, we'll be ordering 80 Filet Mignons for this week's BBQ."

"Per Stephen, please order me a new chair, laptop, keyboard, dresser, 82 inch monitor, car, mousepad, Keurig and toilet paper for the office and my home."

by entechUS_ October 1, 2020


A typical white surferdude, skaterdude. In a recent Mcdonald's commercial, a white surfer uttered the question "per nugget?" when he was told the very low price of chicken mcnuggets, as if he was surprised at the low price. His voice was very constipated as if he had just smoked marijuana. He had an inflection in his voice, a very typical white surfer manner...aggravating at best. Thus, a typical white boy is a per-nugget.

1. Look at that fuckin' per-nugget...his board shorts are so low I can see his asshole when he bends over...disgusting per- nugget!

2. Can you believe that per-nugget at that frat party? He thought his curly mop hair was to die for...Which per-nugget? that Frat party was full of per-nuggets.

by Jake T III April 14, 2007

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per se

Latin borrowing meaning "in and of itself", used in certain fairly specific, idiomatic contexts in casual English. Is typically used with a negative to indicate that a term being used is understood to be imprecise or off-the-mark (i.e., not accurate 'per se') in a case where the term is nevertheless useful to an explanation. Usually followed by an explanation or justification for the use of the term indicated.

It is as well sometimes used preceding a term indicated, especially in more formal (e.g., legal) usage. In these contexts, usually used in the positive to reinforce a characterisation as fundamentally being the case (i.e., 'per se' accurate).

"It's not that I consider it a 'joke' per se. It's just that I don't think it takes the subject quite seriously enough, under the circumstances."

"Sexual advances toward a minor are without exception per se illegal in this state. This is not open to question or challenge."

by Yst October 29, 2005

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Per Magnus

He is the most handsome person in the whole world.

He is so adoreable. And everyone likes him.

it is the best name of all time. It is a synonym of the most handsome person in the world.

He is so Per Magnus

by Ola Nordman March 9, 2011

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per diem

a daily allowance, a daily fee

An employee can claim $120 per diem for 2 weeks towards food expenses.

by Balaji D August 27, 2006

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