Source Code


Inferior to anything made by Nintendo

The only series that's good in Metal Gear

They steal every concept Nintendo has

Hey lets play Playstation

I'd rather eat shit

by Darkness51986 March 31, 2007

55๐Ÿ‘ 182๐Ÿ‘Ž


The original gaming console made by Sony. A slimmer version later came out because people were sick of mixing oil and gas so they could play Crash Bash. Regular maintenance was needed like greasing the disk tray using a grease gun made for the playstation (Sold separately).

Critics didn't like having a system with a 4 stroke engine so they made a console named the PSOne. Which did the same exact thing except it made Sony more money. Memory cards could hold a whole 8MB and weighed approximately 32 pounds.

Gamers who like to collect game consoles tend to like the Playstation. It's value can be up to 15 dollars but shipping is $500 due to the wide load truck needed to move it. The lense used to read the disk is made out of only the highest quality plastic and the shell is made from the highest quality steel.

Nils: "Woah, that a huge generator ya got there!"
Jordan: "Nope, thats my old Playstation 1"
Nils: "How retro! I'll give you 15 dollars for it"
Jordan "Ummm.... k, dont you have a PS3 though?"
Nils: "Ya but i need retro video games to fill the empty space in my life that most people fill with friends and a social life."
Jordan: "K, give me my money, want some free games and a tank of gas/oil mixture?"
Nils: "Nah, i got nitrous oxide"

by jordan199311 August 17, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that ruined videogames for everyone except chavs.
People that play playstation games are often simple minded idiots that think violence is so funny they will repeat it a million more times.

chav 1: YO! Did u gangsta's get da new GTA? INNIT!
chav 2: Yeah! It is sound innit. I beat up... (so stupid he can't count)
Normal person: Why don't you get a Gamecube or an Xbox?
chav 1: NO! cos da playstation 3 'as a boomerang 4 a controller! BRAP!

by meh2 January 10, 2006

28๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž


When somebody buys hundreds of sexual toys and puts them all in one room, that room becomes a "playstation."

Lets hang upside down and throw dildos at eachother in my playstation!

by Chris Carver June 22, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anything made by Sony that sucks

Everything by Sony(E.X. Playstation) sucks

by eons of grey August 30, 2007

28๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž


A shit game console that is for poor hobos (peasants) that are apparently good

Bob:Do you have a PlayStation?

Bill: Are you joking they are for cheap skates they are like ยฃ$โ‚ฌ5

by Spud 06 (YT) April 10, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Playstation Pornable

What's a playstation pornable you ask, well its pretty damn easy to figure out, It's a PSP filled with porn. Many people might have this in fact and not know the actually know what to call it but here it is: the Playstation pornable. I imagine those that have it have large memory card for porn, and an average size card just play games (if they play games when they aren't fapping to images of playboy girls or watching their favorite Girls Gone Wild videos) so noone will suspect of using their PSP of holding porn. This is also great for those who have 500 gb HDD full of porn, but like to have their porn to be portable which coincidentally is where pornable comes from: portable porn.

Little brother: "hey bro can i borrow your PSP to play Sonic?" Bigbrother : "Sure lil'bro" *hands him psp* *little brother turns on psp Little brother : "Oh my why are there naked ladies on here , and what is she doing to that other naked lady?" 0.0 Big Brother: -Oh Shit i gave him my playstation pornable memory card instead of giving him the gaming one- "ugh lil'bro just hand the the PSP to me and I'll buy you your own PSP if we keep this our own little secret" Little brother: "OK, will mine have naked ladies too?" Big Brother: "Hell no"

by Danfire0 August 18, 2009

71๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž