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pokemon go to the polls

A term used by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as a joke on the world wide successful video game Pokemon GO to get people to vote for her.


by DATBOI69( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) September 6, 2016

77👍 14👎

Pokemon Go Players

Guys or girls that walk around town while nearly getting themselves killed because they wanna CATCH THEM ALL!!!!

Look at them Pokemon Go players, oh wait, they all just walked over that cliff

by Mr. Schaudenfruede October 3, 2016

9👍 1👎

pokemon go

The gayest crap to ever be created. Its like the first time you eat a goats butt in Abu-dahbi.

wow, i just played Pokemon Go and I like men!

by king of islam November 28, 2017

1👍 4👎

Pokemon Go kid

A kid who plays Pokemon Go and keeps asking if you play Pokemon Go.

Me:*Walking by with my phone in my hand*

Kid: Are you playing Pokémon GO?

Me: Oh god! Not another Pokemon Go kid.

by Taoshi July 18, 2017

Pokemon GO Fest 2017

An event that was so bad they had to give everyone refunds and do it again

"Remember Pokemon GO Fest 2017"
"Yeah remember the servers not working?"

by Swagwarrior March 9, 2021

I play pokemon go

The name of the greatest song in existence. Made by Mishovy šílenosti

I'm back

I play Pokemon Go every day
I play pokemon Go
I play Pokemon Go every day
I play pokemon Go
Verse 1: Misha
When I wake up
I'm grabbing my phone
I wanna catch 'em all
I wanna play Pokemon
All day long, all day long

I play Pokemon Go every day
I play pokemon Go
I play Pokemon Go every day
I play pokemon Go

Guitar Solo by Metadon


I play Pokemon Go every day
I play pokemon Go

by Candylol October 24, 2016

40👍 28👎

pokemon lets go

A shit game made for 6 year olds where you do the same thing over and over.

"Wanna play Pokemon Lets Go?"
"Hell no"

by shapiro_slayer_69 June 29, 2019

3👍 4👎