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Prosperity Preacher

Prosperity preachers preach in mega-churches. Their motives range from being highly suspect to downright unscrupulous.

Him: Can you believe Joel Osteen didn't open his church during that hurricane in Texas?
Me: What do you expect from a prosperity preacher

by Siouxsie Supertramp May 8, 2020

Preacher's Seat

A painful dive which is executed by jumping off a diving board and raising both legs directly in front of you, such that they are completely horizontal when you hit the water, and placing your hands together in the prayer position while bowing your head.

Ricky won the big splash contest by executing a flawless Preacher's Seat!

by The Painfull Diver August 4, 2009

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street preacher

Street preacher aka street prankster (alternative name)
They can often be found on street corners talking freaky stuff about the lord and repentance and amusing , sometimes annoying , the general public

Street preacher: Hey young man , you don't want to go go hell
General crowd: WTF , LOL

by G8666 January 3, 2020

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Preacher bashing

Where one or more guys beat up on a preacher because he's promoting some fundamentalist crap.

That t.v. preacher's in town lets do some preacher bashing.

by deep blue 2012 December 30, 2010

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Satanic preacher

Someone who gives sermons out of the satanic bible. Often at a satanic rock or satanic heavy metal concert.

John is a satanic preacher.

by Deep blue 2012 October 28, 2009

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preacher creature

a cocky religious freak (usually christian)constantly scoping out groups at public places to force there religion on them. they aproach with a friendly yet cheesy disposition, trying to be your friend and asuming theres somthing missing in your life. (also known to sneak into punk shows to express there opinion to those they think are living lives of darkness.)they usually believe any athiest or independent thinker needs to be "saved". they can be dealt with by ignoring and walking away, or crushing them with your own thoughts and beleifs, usually leaving them speechless to respond.

Christian- "You are all living lives of darkness and need to be saved"

punks- "Go home preacher creature."

by skank89 June 29, 2006

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preacher boy

A wannebe rapper in highschool that will try to annoy people by either acting like a idiot or overly sophistacated. Hates all J mishes

Person 1:Preacher boy just started rapping in english the other day.
Person 2:And your not deaf?
Person 1:No I'm not but he got kicked out of class.

by Hunter A******* April 24, 2008

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