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A worthless asshole who's really stupid and thinks there is no meaning to life.

"You fucking prick!"
"I am not!"
"Shut the fuck up you douche!"

by Mannon4356XudXlahves April 29, 2010

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n.: A total asshole, jerk, or jackoff (or jagoff).

Don't ever ever ever ever swing at a girl you fucking prick!

by A.W.G. August 28, 2009

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An old Man's Dick/Balls. Also used to insult dickheads and assholes.

Selena: Why are Malik and TJ acting like that.
Frank: What you mean ?
Selena: They're acting like Fucking Pricks.

by SleepingGhost567 July 24, 2014

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Eris is a prick

by emilithelegand7909 June 5, 2022

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Someone who is a total snob.

My math teacher is a major prick.

by Aeladya January 16, 2005

33๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who spikes your stream of conscious thought with confusion, insecurity or humor.

When someone makes you have to think twice too often, making you feel uneasy and perpetually out of the moment

Like a metaphysical pin prick.

Stu keeps making innuendos.

Stu is a Prick.

by Trumpet Face June 27, 2012

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A man who takes advantage of his position to push an issue he could let go of. Motivation is heterogeneous among this population.

Bruno screwed up table 24's order. I apologized and offered to correct it but no, the prick wants a root-beer float on the house. I should have had a V8.

by Krakenbunny June 23, 2015

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