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The Worlds Best Business Psychologist

A common Saying in northern Berlin. Mostly in russian communitys.
Used to refer to Students who have exceptionally white skin and/or beautiful eyes, cheek blasts and other body parts.
Supposedly it is from the late 90s.

You are the Worlds Best Business Psychologist!

by Ugolino July 13, 2019

Junk trunk psychologist

A backyard psychologist usually straight out of jail who thinks anyone that prefers the company of fit looking people rather than ppl who look like old boots and old footy’s is a sex offender and deserves to be extorted and harrassed based on their professional diagnosis. Sex offenders make them look like normal citizens so making a big deal out of a harmless situation is high in list of priorities.

I can’t find my fucking Undies and someone took a dump on my lounge room floor!

Yeh brah you got a visit from a junk trunk psychologist

by Cruciferous August 8, 2021

Sudden Psychologist

A person that has no background in psychology at all out of nowhere claiming they know your entire life story from Saturday morning cartoon stereotypes.

Sudden Psychologist: Me big smart
Victim: Shut up
Sudden Psychologist: Just from that one quote I can tell your dad has beaten you your entire life causing you to spite others for no reason at all, I can tell, I’m smart.
Victim: Shut up

by Awoooooga May 6, 2020