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pudgy fart

When a Fart is so loud and smelly that you can feel it and it's very pudgy lol

"Hey dude what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing I just inhaled some pudgy fart."

by Omg123 February 12, 2014

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pudgy puss

When the vagina is so soaking wet and swollen that it resembles an poorly made apple pie

Chad: dude I heard you fucked Stacey.
Tim: Yeah but she had a pudgy puss, I regret every second.

by Anal-Beads0327 May 11, 2016

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Pudgy Fudge Cakes

Used to describe a friend's girlfriend whom you hate or dislike. This term should be used when that certain girlfriend is all or some of the following qualities:
1) fat
2) ugly
3) stupid
4) childish
5) annoying
6) short
7) immature
8) anti-social
9) minipulative
10) passive agressive
11) bitch
12) foul
13) fowl
14) rude
15) afraid to speak to anyone than her boyfriend

John: Dude, did you see that foul bitch?
Kevin: Yeah John, she was a pudgy fudge cakes

Dan: Yo Curtland, ever been to the ghetto?
Curtland: Yes, I reside there
Dan: Are there any fine bitches 'round?
Curtland: Nah, just a bunch of pudgy fudge cakes

by Ahmad Sahmoud November 24, 2009

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pudgy fuck

Someone who loves indulging in gay anal or oral sex. Typically a jungle bunny. Pudgy fucks also typically have nappy dreads that smell like shit.

Have you met that Shawn Store's kid?

Yeah, he is a real pudgy fuck.

by Oh yeah yeah August 11, 2010

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pudgy swim-ring

Chubby girls who think they look hot in shorty tops and low rise jeans with their bulging midriff looking like an overinflated swim-ring.

Eeeewwww,GROSS! Look at that chunker with her pudgy swim-ring exposed.

by wolfbait51 June 6, 2011

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Pudgy Penguin

Pudgy Penguin is a popular NFT (non-fungible token) project based on the Ethereum blockchain. It features a collection of unique, algorithmically generated penguin characters, each with distinct traits and accessories. The project gained significant attention and popularity in the NFT space due to its cute and appealing artwork, active community, and successful marketing.

As an avid NFT collector, Sarah was thrilled to add a rare Pudgy Penguin to her digital art portfolio, knowing it was a highly sought-after piece in the community

by lucavale May 28, 2024


a deadly name for a rabid animal. most commonly used for dogs.

ay bruhh pudgy come outta nowhere an tacked me.

by deadlyjesus May 11, 2021