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A noun used to represent a form of play-on-word that dwells on taking advantage of similar sounding words or different definitions/implications of a certain word or phrase, generally used for comic relief, or to express your own cleverness and distaste of others' sanity. Not to be confused with double entendre. A well crafted pun requires both flow of pronunciation and well-layered meanings.

My friend made a pun while waiting to get his juice refilled. Here comes the punch line.

by Robophant October 14, 2015

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A play on words, which, when used correctly, can bring one a load of laughs and a barrel of cool.

Really Clever Kid:"Hey, you wanna hear a pun?"
Really Hot Girl:"Yeah, sure!"
Really Clever Kid: "What do you call a girl living in the Playboy Mansion of Czechoslovakia?"
Really Hot Girl: "I.D.K. What?!??!!?"
Really Clever Kid: "A checkmate!"
Really Hot Girl: "LOL!!!!!! Lets have sex..."

by Forty Two January 17, 2008

1317๐Ÿ‘ 771๐Ÿ‘Ž


A play on words. Generally a pun takes a word that is quite understandable in context and replaces it with a homonym (same-sounding word) to create an entirely new meaning, or replaces a word with a similar-sounding one to the same effect.


A pun involving a word with two possible meanings --

Nurse, to young woman about to receive a vaccination:

"You're going to feel a little prick."

Woman: "It wouldn't be the first time."

* * *

A pun that uses a similar-sounding term to the expected one, to humorous effect --

A one-liner: "JFK's private life was so sexy they should have called his administration Cum-A-Lot."


by al-in-chgo March 13, 2010

369๐Ÿ‘ 219๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A joke, usually a play on words involving either a homonym, or a phrase that rhymes with the original quote.
2. A very, very, VERY low form of humor, and often makes everyone within a ten mile radius sigh and pinch their eyes together.

These jokes will likely get you killed, the best case scenario is that someone laughs, simply because the joke is so bad/stupid, that said person cannot help but laugh, then tell you to get the out of the room.

never tell a pun, if you want to keep anything you hold dear.

by adminkiller December 3, 2010

101๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


A clever play on words, often used for comedy. The play on words often use similar sounding words or homonyms to replace words that would normally be in the sentence. Another form is when a word with a double meaning is used to relate to a different word in the sentence in two different ways. Puns tend not to be funny, and often receives light sarcastic laughter. Many people fail at making these. One specific person comes into mind...

Chinese teacher: So, HOW is life?
Chinese student: Life is HAO.
Chinese teacher: *sighs* Why must I put up with this?
James: Oh, It's pun! *high fives*
Chinese student: wooooooooow...
Chinese teacher: Detention, both of you.

by TheFaclon and J.D March 31, 2011

96๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another word for the action of sexual intercourse.

Inserting object A into location B.

Nick - "Did you hear what happened to dan last night?"

Cam - "No i didn't, what happened?"

Nick - "he got mad puns"

Cam - "Im going to go pun that girls box after hes done"

by (Insert your name here please) September 3, 2010

106๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž


The worst form of human communication yet.

A stupid play on words trying desperatley to be funny.

(the most stupidest pun ever)
guy 1: knock knock
me: who's there
guy 1: orange
me: orange who
guy 1: orange you glad i didn't say bannanas?
me: I had a "blast" hanging with you...

by mega millions May 25, 2009

80๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž