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Potato Quality

Something that is of bad quality

Mainly used on the internet to describe pictures, videos or graphics

That wallpaper is potato quality!

by You don't know me, honestly October 9, 2017

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low quality

When you’re bored and want the urban dictionary ad to say that their mug is low quality.

Look there is a low quality mug on urban dictionary.

by Iambored123456789 April 4, 2020

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Tap Quality

Term used to describe something so good it could/should be poured from a tap.

This can of Lion Brown is Tap Quality!

by LBFan September 20, 2011

pure quality

(pronoun) describes something that is quality or extremely well produced, made, done, etc. but in the rawest most effective manner possible; near perfect

This brand new stereo, pot, and room full of lesbians having an orgy and wanting me to join in is pure quality.

by Matt March 15, 2005

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Quality House

Quality House is the pinnacle of drink mixing technology crafted by the gods. First you take Motts applesauce (must be Motts otherwise it wont be a solid and might actually be possible to drink) and mix it with Bacardi rum. Then you find any two flavors of Izzy lying around your house and add those in. The final step, and arguably the most important, is to shot gun a beer into your face and completely ruin someone's bathroom by short circuiting their electrical outlets. The smell of burning plastic is VERY important as it adds to the ambiance of the moment.

It is also important to mention that Quality House can also be operative as an adjective (ie. The women love my dick it is so Quality House, or, This quality house is so Quality House (I see wat u did thar (holy shit parenthesis in parenthesis in parenthesis)).)

by Purple Drank Fried Chicken August 21, 2009

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Princess Qualities

So, how does a princess act? What qualities should a young maiden have to catch the eye of a prince? Let's take a look at what a princess should be.

Noble : A princess is a noble young lady who carries herself with poise and dignity. She listens attentively. And when she speaks, she carefully chooses her words. She exercises control over her emotions and makes choices based on what's right rather than on how she feels. Though she isn't perfect, she possesses a strong sense of duty that comes with knowing she's a princess.

Selfless : A princess thinks of others

Trusting and Faithful : A princess believes and trusts

Humble: Another princess virtue is humility. She doesn’t demand or expect special treatment from others and chooses to refrain from bragging or boasting. Instead, she focuses on others and their needs. She doesn't have to be in the spotlight because she already knows she’s a princess.

Kind: A princess is extraordinarily beneficent. Gentle, generous, compassionate, patient, good-natured and forgiving are all words to describe a princess.

Respectable and Admirable : A princess doesn't compete with a prince. Just the opposite, she builds him up. It's her admiration and respect that inspire the prince and compel him to greatness. When he sees that he's a hero in her eyes, it's no wonder he's willing to suffer for her. A hero will go through anything to keep an admiring princess by his side.

A princess is a princess regardless of her attire or her circumstances

When you feel like rebelling or indulging in other questionable behavior, remember your crown and ask yourself, Is this the conduct of a princess? My princess Qualities?

There's something special about the demeanor of a princess, Her princess Qualities. Every princess story shows that it takes more than dazzling attire to gain the admiration of a prince.

by a.p.p May 9, 2010

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calendar quality

So sexy that they belong on a pinup calendar.

Jay: Did your see her sexy ass?
Rog: Hell yeah I did. She calendar quality

by AyeBigPoppy April 16, 2019