Source Code


Gay Hacker who hacks libraries. Shows he hasnt got a life and he hasnt got anything better to do.

by Shutup November 6, 2003

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rc is the abbreviation of rounchy crouch, meaning you have a smelly twat. smelling somewhat like a fish.

Oh my gosh she has such an RC, it makes me want to vomit.

by LegsAlot March 25, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rinx Clown/Rinx character

Hahaha nigga please youre a funny guy. An orignal RC

by Nigga J April 5, 2003

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Raging Cunt Shannon.

A syndrome that causes moodiness/ bitchyness. Possible causes include having the name Shannon and possible lack of sex for a very long time.


Everyone left the room because RCS was there

They lost because RCS played

by Samre September 12, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A HaloPC race clan who is at the front in brillance and innovation. Composed of many members who strengths are so balanced they can not be touched or waved. {RC} is hated and feared by some but none the less respected for their innovation and determination. The letters in their name stand for "Rogue Confederation", which in itself is what {RC} is. A band of loyal brothers/sisters working together as one unit to be the best at what we do in any situation. World Domination is the key in {RC}.

{RC} is also the only race clan bold enough to submit themselves to urban dicionary without thought. Anyone who follows would just be trying to keep up with {RC} standards.

player: {RC} members must hack. it's the only reason to explain why their so good.

random clan leader: we need to get our clan to {RC} standards if we want to be taken seriously.

example in game of actual text:
{RC} Bongo Joined
{RC}Nessa Joined
Player 1: Oh great!! Now were going to loose
Player 2: Who's {RC}?
{RC}Pepsi Joined
{RC} Bongo killed Player 1
{RC} Highway Joined
Player 1: Where did that come from?? o0
Player 2: Man these guys can race like crazy!!
{RC}Nessa killed Player 2
{RC} Highway killed Player 1
{RC}Pepsi: I got lead lap, watch the base INC
Player 1: This is too much, im out
Player 1 Quit
Player 2 Quit

by pepsi711 November 16, 2006

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


noun- a very infamous bangladeshi hustler who attends a majority white school..and hustles white kids for major loot.. give him an eight..he'll flip it to an O..give him a ki...he'll have every white kid in kellam sniffin coke..

Yo damn i needa eightball sooo bad, wheres RC?

by unknown March 17, 2004

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Rubick's Cube Syndrome. Characterized by obsessive solving and intrest in Rubick's cubes and other involved puzzles. See also, crazy

The kids at school that have RCS are considered nerds.

by Lydia January 21, 2004

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