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'ru cut

when you get a buzz cut with no attachment on the trimmers, resulting in a near bald head.

homie 1: damn my man's lookin fresh
homie 2: yeah he got that 'ru cut

by rudaddy2000 March 17, 2019

rus the bus

an awkward kid, so awkward that he is cool.

Kid: Hey rus the bus do the awkward dance!

by uhnonuhmuss March 4, 2011


A person who has contested or is contesting on one of RuPaul’s Dragrace shows

Aquaria is a Ru-girl since appearing on RuPaul’s Dragrace season 10

by Dictonarian September 24, 2020

Pruck Ru

When an Asian tries to say the English derogatory term "fuck you" but with the accent of their native tongue.

"pruck ru why ru pray no $2?! !())(#@*#"

by squigglebutt February 22, 2019


shorthand for "Russian bot": a mouth diarrhea wind sock, online forum member, or social media entity who parrots right wing propaganda, typically of Russian troll farm origin. A shit-stirring Putin sympathizer and Nazi troll like Tucker Testicle Tanner Carlson.

And if you accuse him of being a ru-bot he says he's just asking questions and being open-minded.

by Andersonix November 16, 2022

2👍 1👎


abortion pill.
R U 4 86
Are(R) you(U) for(4) 86(86)
In other words: Are you for Canceling your baby?

There is A LOT of controversy over the pill,but isn't there always with abortion?

Catholic: Have you heard about the ru-486 pill?
Atheist: Ya, my girlfriend just used it to eighty-six her belly fruit.
Catholic: You are soooo going to Hell.

by HorseshoeMullet August 2, 2008

65👍 26👎

Dirty Ru

The act of shitting in a minors mouth while playing table tennis

“Hey bro where are my table tennis rackets”
“Sorry I was doing a dirty Ru with my son”

by Yungenjamie07 March 2, 2022