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real man

a guy that gets injured while playing basketball with orphans or something.

Guy: Dude I jammed my pinky finger while playing basketball with orphans. Then I beat Sonic and punched some goth kid in the face and ate some steak.

Girl: Wow, you're a real man!

by 7x May 3, 2006

51πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

A Real Man

A man that does not wear a shirt. When ordering food from a local restaurant they will order a meal that is capable of feeding no less than 50 people, paid in full by another person who will never taste this epic meal. The meal will only be eaten in locations deemed manly enough for consumption. Areas may include municipal gazebos or the top or oil tanks.

If ever faced with a possible encounter with law enforcement a real man will immediately seek out the nearest barbed wire fence and position themselves on the top in an owl position facing the barbed wire. Once law enforcement is within eye contact distance the real man will drop their shirtless body from the fence making no effort to avoid or protect themselves from the adjoining barbed wire.

If ever questioned about the resulting and extensive damage to their shirtless body the real man will default to blaming a friend or co-workers cat, falsely calming it is a savage.

A real man always communicates via epic quotes.

1.) A Real Man: β€œReal Men Don’t wear shits anyway!”

Audience: *Silence* as everyone takes off their shirts

2.) A Real Man: β€œI’m not getting caught by no fucking cops for eating Mary Browns on top of the oil tanks with no shirt


Audience: *forever traumatized by barbed wire fences*

by Chicken Oil Fence December 12, 2018

29πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

real man

A male over 21 who is not a " wuss"

Hulk Hogan is a real man not Richard Simmons

by stealth46 August 13, 2011

19πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

real man

1. An abusive, self-involved, sex crazed guy with chest hair and a 5 o'clock shadow at 2pm. Frequently talks about his recent "scores" and the size of his equipment.
2. A woman who, though she denies it, looks more like a man than a woman.

1. "I sure hope I find a real man someday so that I can get pregnant and abused."
2. "That she-male sure is a real man!"

by Kellie November 30, 2003

46πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

real man

non existant being. One of the myths that can be joined with, but not limited to Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, and god.

There is no such thing as a real man.

by Single White Female January 4, 2004

50πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž

Real man

Real man is what a real woman feels completed with.

When real man and real woman come together in intimate form, they talk about everything that hasn't been said.

When RM & RW traspass the good and the bad and the bleh's together, they do it as a teamwork with solid and rooted foundations.

A Real Man loves a Real Woman and a Real Woman loves a Real Man.

by Ayuryari November 30, 2021

14πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

real man

Defined by the dictionary:
Real: actual or existing
Man: Adult male

However everyone has their own concept of a "Real Man"

A Real Man

Could mean he has a car, a job, a place to live not under his parents.

respectful to the sensitivities of others
emotionally receptive

a guy who isn't degrading to others


not male chauvinist

I like him he's a "Real Man," not like the little boys I'm use to messing with.

by Interesting Take March 27, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž