Source Code

Redbox Idiot

Dumb piece-of-shit moron renting at Redbox who takes a long time to pick a fuckin' movie.

To make a movie-renting decision, this priceless imbecile has to read every bit of information posted on the screen about the movie, as if he was inquiring about valuable real estate. Meanwhile, the long line of people waiting to get a movie continues to grow around the McDonald's, Walgreen's, etc.

Him: "Mmmmm, should I rent Transformers 2? Let's read what this flick is about..."

Me, standing in line right behind him: "Fuckin' Redbox Idiot!"

by MrFr1a5 February 25, 2010

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Redbox rage

Violent behavior exhibited by patrons waiting in line at "Redbox" movie rental outlets. This is usually due to customers at the front of the line who are returning multiple DVDs at once and take an excessive amount of time to select another DVD to rent, which thus causes irritation, impatience, yelling and sometimes physical violence.

Jenny started to experience Redbox rage as she waited in line because the woman at the front of the line had 3 DVDs to return and with her bratty children's input, took 12 mins to select another movie to rent.

by Heidi007 March 31, 2008

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Redbox Mistake

When you rent a from Redbox you're pretty sure will suck but theres nothing else so you rent it anyway.

โ€ I knew The Lincoln Lawyer would suck but it was that or Lemmity Snicket, I made a Redbox mistakeโ€

by WolfAttackFromSpace September 29, 2011

Redbox Retard

A person whom goes to the Redbox movie rental machine and...

1. Either takes abotut 20 minutes to decided on one movie choice.
2. Does not know how to use the Redbox machine and takes about 20 minutes to figure it out.
3. Keeps insisting that a movie is available when Reedbox says its not available.

Lynn: Jim, did you get the movie i wanted to watch from the Redbox?

Jim: No, there was a Redbox Retard trying to decided a movie and the line was starting to warp around the builiding.

by jspearx3 August 10, 2009

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redbox return

reusing a used tampon.

that bitch was so poor, she had to do a redbox return

by bi-polar bare February 16, 2009

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redbox flick

a movie that you rent from a Redbox machine (a dvd vending machine that charges $1 +tax per night to rent), in your estimation, this is a movie that is not worth seeing in the theaters or renting from a Blockbuster or similar establishment

Nah, I'm not going to see that in the theaters. That's more of a redbox flick.

by netbug March 3, 2009

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Redbox Creeping

When you are trying to use a Redbox and are approached by a creeper or bum.

Be wary of the Redbox on MLK drive, it's got a lot of Redbox creeping.

by itzallgudbra March 17, 2009

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