Source Code

Female Reproductive System

Looks like a male goat's head. I believe male goats are called rams.

My baby was not, in fact, born out of a vagina, but out of the mouth of a ram.

by Fairy Sacks November 18, 2003

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Seize the means of reproduction

When you take away a women's choice to have a child.

Person 1 - Hey I heard Japans population is really low.

Person 2 - I heard the US was going to seize the means of reproduction, and fix it for them.

by Hentaibro69XD May 31, 2019

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k9 reproduction engineer

The technical term for a dog fucker. A person who does as little work as possible, while at work.

Worker 1: Does that guy do anything around here?
Worker 2: Yes. He's the k9 reproduction engineer.

by jutna mckutna February 25, 2010

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Non-Mechanical Reproduction Simulation

Sex in half-life 2. A Combine unit that has 100 sterilized credits gets a sex.

Overwatch: Reminder, 100 Sterilized credits qualifies for Non-Mechanical Reproduction Simulation.

by CP-1788 April 29, 2021

Human reproduction

A science subject that people are not supposed to find embarrassing but most people did

well i did :)

Especially adults who don't know how 2 say hi.

I hate Human Reproduction. I dont want anything like pringles or bacon.

by im still a kid July 10, 2019

Reproductive slavery

Delegating single sex of human race to second class citizen when they become pregnant, in that their choice of options gets legally limited.

Supreme Court judges removed legal protection against reproductive slavery to increase number of births of American babies to American women, or so they claim.

by with boobs July 20, 2022

Reproductive dysphoria

A profound state of dissatisfaction or discomfort resulting from real or perceived reproductive capability (i.e. ability/inability to become pregnant or ability/inability to impregnate) not matching one's internal sense of identity. Can occur on its own, such as for childfree people, or be part of gender dysphoria and is made worse by bingoing or misgendering respectively.

"I've always known I never wanted to be a mother, but I hate that my body is capable of getting pregnant and wish it couldn't. I have reproductive dysphoria."
"I've always wanted to be a mother and carry a child, but I was born male and medical science hasn't caught up yet. I have reproductive dysphoria."

by gorpoglorp March 13, 2023