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A very handsome and wonderful guy who is always there when you need him, he is very considerate and passionate but not arrogant or conceited. An all round amazing guy who anyone would be grateful for knowing

Youre friends with Reuben? wow you must be very lucky

by Sophie aka Wifey ; May 6, 2021


The cutest, amazingest, perfect boyfriend ever.

“Girl” oh look there’s Reuben
“Me” yeah he is amazing
“Girl” ikr I would love to date him
“Me” excuse me, he’s taken

by Hehshehehw November 30, 2020

6👍 1👎


Your Lord and Saviour.

"Whoa, that was close!"
"Thank Reuben that didn't happen."

by Rakelan October 30, 2017

8👍 2👎


Reuben is a Beautiful Spanish male; one who has an insanely large cock. Every girl wants him, every guy wants to be him. Good at performing and a passion for good music. A truly amazing dude, the best to be around and party with. He looks super hot in anything he puts on (including nothing) and is the best kisser and love maker. Probably the most awesome person ever. Is good at many things, and very original.

Girl: god he is sexy
Girl 2: yeah his names probably reuben

by Hahahahahaahjswoeijos October 23, 2013

64👍 36👎


A deli sandwich made with Rye, Swiss cheese, Pastrami, Sauerkraut, and Russian Dressing. One of the best sandwiches to get at diner or authentic Deli.

Customer: I'd like the best sandwich you have please
Waitress: Oh, then that'd be the Reuben

by Joules March 23, 2008

205👍 135👎


Reuben can be nice but is also a total dick. One minite he's pissing you off the next he is telling others to sotp harming you. he is very good at lots of things you might call him a (over achiver). He shows off alot more than he should and is the (wost) singer ever. he clams he has a octave rnge of 4. but all up he's sweet, loving and all out spectacular.

why did you do that?! you're so amazing Reuben.

by Seacrets November 17, 2018

27👍 13👎


A very large boner

Alex has a large reuben

by Faislekhan February 12, 2017

5👍 1👎