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A sexy man who has a big penis and is loyal to his girlfreind and that is nice to strangers but mean to his freinds.

Me:Hi ruben
Ruben:Hits Me
Stranger:Hi im new here
Ruben:Need help to you class

by Random Guy873272 November 7, 2019

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The grizzliest machismo in all of manhood. Peasants cower in fear as his masculine sideburns bring down the wrath of God in their poor villages. You think you may have seen him before, but rest assured, if you had, your loins would have already frothed with passion and your mind would have his image carved until the ends of the earth. This is Ruben.

Ruben touched my bed the other day. I am forever blessed.

by Irontayguh March 13, 2011

195πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž


ruben is an extreemly clever individual who is known to be ridiculously atractive. He is a fan of cats and has a sensitive element to him which tends to atract the oposite sex. He uses lord of the rings to seduce females

"wow your looking Rubenish today"

by kimlyn:) February 2, 2012

33πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


He simps alot and just simps cause he heartbroken

Female : you simping?

Ruben : a bitch took my heart and threw it to the floor im simping

by Clout Master October 17, 2017

27πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Ruben is a wonderful but, mysterious guy. He is usually good at soccer and can speak Spanish. He isn't the type to usually talk about girls and stuff like that. He isn't the type to be rude, he's the type to be nice and not rude like everybody else, he'll only be rude if you are to him. He's the popular nice type.

Girl:"Ahh Ruben is so cutee!"

by cceiina April 18, 2018

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


One who re introduced joy and happiness to a sad, lifeless lil girl from TX. An amazing individual who is a true blessing from above. Kind, gentle, sexy, smart, and funny to say the least. Strangely, meeting his lover online, he’s one who deserves all the happiness in the world and will get it if he dares to open up his heart again.

The best example is the name itself....Ruben

by lover bunny July 24, 2019


Ruben has a HUGE horse cock and he knows it. All the girls want it. He can get any girl he wants and has a great personality, but the best thing about him is the shear girth of his massive and wonderful cock.

"Wanna come over later and get that Ruben"

by Nignogman November 22, 2021