Source Code

Chocolate Runway

The chocolate runway is the long-lost art of shitting down one's throat in such a way that it slides right down, leaving a 'chocolate runway' behind it.

"Last night Jason gave Emily a chocolate runway and she was talking about it all morning!"

by elitexero March 1, 2007

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

foaming the runway

copious ejaculate placed on any part of a females anatomy.
The volume is similar to the attempt to extinguish an airline jet fuel fire.

I pulled out and started foaming the runway.

by 40goingonfive March 28, 2008

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Kleenex runway

a strip of tissue paper, strategically placed to recieve your offerings after a gentlemans 10 minutes for a quick clean up.

After ten minutes of furious effort, George deposited his jism on the kleenex runway.

by Dom Drums March 23, 2006

47πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Clean Runway

When you take a shit and start wiping, but there’s no feces to wipe up

Guy 1: Damn, that was quick! I thought you said you were pooping?
Guy 2: I was bro, but I had a clean runway.

by kuntloondi March 13, 2020

Pubic runway

Pubic runway

A pubic runway is a style of pubic grooming that resembles the runway in an airport. A Pubic runway was discovered in cheltenham when a boy decided he needed a runway for his toy planes, those planes insidentally crashed into a major coatastrophe.

Rob: "So Luke, i guess your gunna tell me about your pubic grooming again."

Luke "Yes i am, i decided to go hip and cool and make myself a Pubic runway to my penis."

Rob: "Delightfull."

by Robwhite March 9, 2009

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Turtles on the runway

Code words for "drunk pilot".

David Letterman's flight could not take off due to turtles on the runway.

by Saraa Palin August 4, 2009

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flea's runway

A "flea's runway" refers to a hair parting, particularly one that runs central to the head. The fashion for greasy slicked down hair with a central parting has diminished and the term is not heard as much now as thirty years ago.

Linda was disappointed because George had not been to the hairdresser she had suggested. He still sported the long sideburns, greased down hair and flea's runway that she had complained of.

by Reg Acton October 15, 2006

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