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Has roughly a 7 inch penis. Russell's go well with girlfriend's named Evelyn. Because Evelyn's are also very attractive and nice. Russell's are very kind and caring. They are very athletic and very attractive

Evelyn: Look at my boyfriend Russell, he can last all night
Russell: Hell yeah I can

by Itz_Mitchellez December 9, 2018

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The nicest, but rudest person ever. He's both at the same time. He will make you feel so amazing and special but when someone wrongs him they better watch out! A Russell will always care about you if your lucky enough to be his girlfriend that is! He'll show that he likes you but he'll be nervous to ask you out, so you may want to do it yourself. A Russell has such nice hair too and the prettiest eyes you'll ever see. He'll always try to make you laugh and tell you you're wrong when you put yourself down.

Girl one: Today I was freezing cold in 5th hour and Russell gave me his sweatshirt to wear!!

Girl two: *annoyingly singing* YOU CAN WEAR MY SWEATSHIRT!!

by Broskiiiiiiiiiiiii September 22, 2018

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A bad ass baller and thinks he got the biggest dick. Believes he’s very shmexy and looks at his math teachers ass all day. He is known to have cute dogs.

Do you ball? You must be a Russell!!

by Im2cool4you January 10, 2019


Truly an amazing human. You may be weary at first to trust a Russell because they can be so reserved, but have faith in their loyalty and honesty. A Russell is committed, loving, and willing to marry you anytime, anywhere. A rare Russell would have the body of a Greek God, mind of a genius, a taste in music that is truly unique, and be a bit of a smart ass. Be grateful when a Russell comes into your life.

That guy Russell is a cutie - a real fuckin' snack.

by PraiseSatan November 7, 2019

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A name given to a beast PENIS

Omg he has a huge RUSSELL

by Beast d0nk3r March 26, 2018

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A guy who keeps a massive dildo under his bed incase he feels freaky at night. He also has a strange love for boys with the name schmeicel. If u seen him walking down the street I’d hide cause he’s coming for you if your name is schmeicel.

Oh look it’s a Russell walking down the street! HIDE!

by Joe likes pegging December 15, 2019

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Loves doing homework. Always finishes his Science test on time! Is a pro gamer. Gets lit computers at Christmas. Is litty spaghetti and likes to post memes on Instragram chats.

Man that guy is totally a Russell

by Jole24 October 10, 2018

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